Symptoms of an allergy

A person who suffers from a disease for a long time, easily determines the first signs of allergy. But if the disease has overtaken you recently, you need to learn to distinguish allergic symptoms from other painful manifestations. In addition, according to the listed characteristics, it is possible to determine the product or substance that causes such a reaction of immunity.

Signs of allergy to the fur of cats and dogs:

Symptoms of skin allergy are manifested in the form of hives and redness.

In addition to the reaction to wool, allergens are also saliva, urine and proteins of dead cells of the epidermis of the pet. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease can occur only at the site of the bite or a scratch.

Symptoms of cold allergy:

Signs of skin allergies are aggravated after prolonged contact with cold water or staying outside in the winter. It should be remembered that an allergy to cold is not an independent disease, but signals serious violations in the work of the immune or endocrine systems.

Signs of food allergy:

To prevent allergy symptoms and prevent their re-emergence, a number of tests should be performed to help identify allergens and exclude foods with their contents from the diet. You can alleviate the symptoms with the help of antihistamines.

Signs of allergy to household or chemical dust:

The cause of this type of allergy are household pincers and the products of their vital activity, as well as dead cells of the epidermis.

Symptoms of an allergy to sweet:

Signs of an allergy to medicines:

Signs of an allergy to alcohol: