How to survive the PMS?

About 20% of women are fortunate - they have never felt the "charm" of PMS, that you can not say about others. In 1948, scientists have been shown that it is not a harmful character, but hormones are the culprits of mood swings, hysterics, whims, etc.

The causes of premenstrual syndrome

Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus, so they identify the 2 most common reasons:

  1. Low levels of progesterone and excess estrogen in the body. These hormones directly affect some types of pain, in the first place - the head, and also contribute to mood swings.
  2. Water intoxication, that is, a violation in the body of water-salt metabolism.

There are also opinions that the PMS is not affected by the amount of vitamins and nutrients.

Forms of PMS

There are 4 different forms of this disease:

  1. Neuropsychic. This form is related to the emotional state. So in young girls this is manifested by aggression, etc. In more adult women, this type of PMS is expressed in depression, sadness, depression, etc.
  2. Oedemas. In this case, women swell the chest, swelling of the face, legs, and sweating.
  3. Tsephalgic. Promotes the appearance of headache, dizziness, weakness and nausea.
  4. The creeping one. The most critical form, which is expressed by pain in the chest, increased heart rate, etc.

How to survive the PMS?

Completely get rid of this problem does not work out, but it is still possible to alleviate its condition.

  1. Try to eat, as often as possible, at least 5 times a day. Thus, you can get rid of irritability.
  2. Try several times a week to eat salmon or tuna, as this fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help to improve the psychological state and reduce depression. As for meat, it is better not to use it in such days.
  3. Exclude for this period from your menu products that contain a lot of salt or sugar. And everything, because salt causes swelling in the body, and sugar directly affects mood swings.
  4. Add to your diet foods that contain vitamin B6 and magnesium, it can be almonds, bananas, beans and sunflower seeds. If this amount is not enough, then take special medications.
  5. During this period, eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, because they contain a lot of vitamins, which are very necessary for the body, especially at this time.
  6. As for the permitted drinks, then give preference to tea and juices, but from coffee it is better to refuse, as it contributes to increased nervousness.
  7. Recent studies have shown that drugs with gluconate and calcium carbonate help reduce pain, relieve tension in muscles and get rid of spasms.
  8. Try to protect yourself from any stress, less meet with people who annoy you, do not recycle, better rest more.
  9. Do not forget about physical activity, as they contribute to the appearance in the body of the hormone endorphin, which improves well-being. During PMS, go to training, only the training should be gentle. Well during this period helps yoga, breathing exercises , etc. If you do not want to play sports at all, then replace it with sex.
  10. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, as a healthy sleep helps you relax and gain strength.

If during a PMS you experience severe pain and even faint, be sure to consult a doctor who can help with this. Maybe all the blame for hormonal failure or other more serious health problems.