Burning sensation in the eyes

Hitting various chemicals, cosmetics or hygiene products sometimes causes burning sensation in the eyes, which is easy to get rid of - just rinse with water. But there are situations when the problem arises by itself and worries for a long time.

Burning eyes - reasons

To make an accurate diagnosis, of course, you should visit an ophthalmologist. Among the possible reasons is worth noting:

Cutting and burning in the eyes

Most often, these symptoms are accompanied by inflammatory eye diseases, such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis, fungal lesions. With such problems, therapy with antibacterial drugs under supervision of specialists is absolutely essential.

It is recommended to use local remedies - ointments and drops with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Burning eyes and watering

The intensified work of the lacrimal gland in combination with the described trait usually indicates an allergic reaction. It is advisable to take care of the timely administration of antihistamines, as well as the use of drops with anti-allergic action and the content of corticosteroid hormones.

Dryness and burning in the eyes

These symptoms can accompany dry eye syndrome or computer overwork. The solution to the problem is to consume more fluids during the day, blink often. In addition, special drops that moisturize the surface of the eyeball, such as an artificial tear, are helpful. In the evening, it is desirable to do relaxing compresses with a decoction of chamomile .