Hypertension 1 degree

Most people in the world suffer from high blood pressure, and at any age. With mild forms of the disease, it is usually ignored, which leads to such negative consequences as crises, heart attacks and even strokes. Therefore, it is important to control the pressure in the early stages of the disease.

Arterial hypertension of 1 degree - symptoms

The mild form of the examined pathology almost does not cause complaints. No changes in the fundus, the heart does not occur and the kidney functions are not violated. The only possible signs of hypertension 1 degree - a slight increase in systolic and diastolic pressure, a weak headache. In rare cases, there are nasal bleeds, usually short-lived, and noise in the head, which quickly passes.

How to treat hypertension 1 degree?

The widespread opinion that the therapy of the described problem is not needed at the primary stage is erroneous. The disease can progress, and eventually develop into a heavier form.

The main task in the treatment of hypertension 1 degree is the elimination of all factors that cause an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, it is expedient to apply an integrated approach:

  1. Normalize weight.
  2. Provide the body with adequate time for rest and sleep.
  3. Monitor and maintain the function of the kidneys, liver, bile ducts.
  4. Limit daily intake of salt.
  5. Observe a special diet with reduced carbohydrate and harmful fats.
  6. Annually spend sanatorium treatment.
  7. Do physical exercises with moderate loads.

In addition, hypertension of the 1st degree is successfully treated with physiotherapy - electrosleep, hyperbaric oxygenation. Effective also massage, acupuncture. Many doctors recommend psycho-emotional methods to support calm and stress relief: auto-training, meditation, relaxation.

Principles of diet for hypertension of 1 degree:

Medicines for hypertension of 1 degree

If the above methods of therapy do not have an effect even if all the rules and diet are observed, it is necessary to supplement the treatment regimen with medicinal preparations and phytoses with hypotensive effect.

Tablets with hypertension 1 degree:

In some cases, aspirin or its analogs are prescribed to reduce the viscosity of the blood, to facilitate its flow through the vessels.

Supportive herbal medicine includes herbal preparations with immortelle, hawthorn , sweet clover, valerian, marsh swine. It is very useful to use an increased number of fruits ashberry, garlic (if there are no contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract), Bulgarian onions.

An effective folk prescription for hypertension 1 degree:

  1. Mix in equal proportions fresh washed fruits of cranberries, dogrose, knead or grind.
  2. Add a similar amount of finely chopped lemon.
  3. Fill the mixture with natural honey so that it remains thick.
  4. There is a remedy for 2-3 tablespoons per day between meals.