Joints of arms or hand hurt and legs or foots - what to do or make?

Sudden sharp pain in the wrist, fingers, elbow and knee, alas, is familiar to many. What to do if the joints of the hands and feet hurt? And why can not even strong painkillers remove it?

Pain in joints with arthrosis

Very often the joints of the hands and feet ache with arthrosis. If this disease is not treated, the damaged joint will continue to break down and disrupt the mechanics of the spine. To slow down the further destruction of the cartilage will help the techniques of manual therapy and therapeutic gymnastics.

To remove severe pain and inflammation, as well as stimulate the healing process, you can use ointments or compresses with a warming effect. It is best to apply:

But what if the joints of the legs and ointments hurt very much? It is necessary to completely limit the load on the joint damaged by the disease. To do this, use special fixing bandages or orthopedic insoles. To prevent the disease from progressing, the patient is advised to periodically massage and take chondroprotectors, which stimulate the restoration of cartilage. In some cases, the patient must comply with a certain diet (with a low content of various animal fats and a lot of vegetable fiber). When the joints of the legs and arms ache for arthrosis, it is also necessary to take vitamins.

Pain in arthritic joints

If your joints and leg and hand bones ache, it can be arthritis . With such a disease, a long treatment is needed, which will be aimed at reducing the activity of inflammation. Therapy is as follows:

1. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs. They are appointed by a doctor, but there are over-the-counter medications that help to relieve inflammation and eliminate pain:

2. Gentle mode of loads. This will help avoid mechanical damage to the joints.

3. Regular course intake of various drugs-chondroprotectors:

For the treatment to be effective and the joints of the hands and feet have ceased to hurt, with arthritis it is necessary to do massage and therapeutic gymnastics, to observe the correct modes of nutrition and loads.

Folk methods of treatment of joints

But what can you do if you want to use folk remedies when your leg and hand joints hurt? Such methods of therapy can be used in cases where the cause of the appearance of pain are various injuries or sprains of ligaments and muscles. Well cope with pains tincture of valerian. To prepare it, you need:

  1. 15 g roots of the plant (crushed) pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. After 12 hours, drain the mixture.

When the joints of the hands and feet ache, you need to moisten the linen or cotton cloth with a tincture and apply it to the place that hurts, and cover everything with warm something.

Traditional methods of treatment can be used for rheumatoid arthritis. Such therapy is aimed at restraining relapses, as well as maintaining the patient in good physical shape. But it can only be carried out if the patient has pain in the joints of the hands and feet, and there is no temperature. The most effective and easiest way to pain relief is a pack of potatoes. To make it:

  1. Potatoes (fresh) are rubbed on a grater.
  2. Kashitsu placed in a strainer and for a couple of seconds lowered into hot water.
  3. Without pressing, the potatoes are transferred to a cotton bag, which is applied to the damaged joint for 10-12 hours. This is best done at night, when the joint is motionless.

The procedure should be repeated daily until the pain completely disappears.