Marinated thistle as olives

By its structure and nutritional properties, the turn resembles "overseas" olives, so, seasoning the fruits with spices and marinades, even at home, you can get a pickled thistle, to taste like olives.

Olives from the turn at home

The turn, apart from its gastronomic value, is very useful, and when cooked in the traditional way of pickling, it preserves not only useful substances, but surpasses olives in taste. Consider how to make olives from the turn.



We prepare the fruits of the turn: we sort, clean, rinse, dry and place in pre-sterilized banks.

For marinade salt, sugar and spices are put in a saucepan and poured with water. Bring the base of the marinade to a boil, add the vinegar and prepare the marinade for a few minutes. With a hot solution, fill the jars with berries for 3 minutes, then merge the marinade and boil again. Re-produce the filling of berries and close the jars. The wrapped cans are cooled and placed in the cold for storage. You can take the sample in 3-4 days.

The turn is salted like olives

Consider the classic salting recipe, using the fruit of a thistle instead of the vegetables we are accustomed to. Using this technique of salting, the fruits will turn into olives in a week.



Prepared fruits of the turn are spread on the banks. We prepare the brine: put salt and spices in boiling water, boil a couple of minutes, remove it from the plate and cool it to 25 degrees. Warm water poured on the turn and insist about 12 hours at room temperature, after which tightly close the jars lids and send it for a week in the cold. In this period, we drain the brine to avoid fermentation. We shift the fruits into clean jars, pour olive oil to the home olives from the turn.

Turn as pickled as olives - recipe



At the bottom of the bank spread out a sheet of horseradish. The turn is mixed with half grated horseradish and chopped garlic. We spread the fruits in cans and pour boiling marinade from water, salt and citric acid. We put the remaining horseradish on top and roll up the jars with sterile lids.