Beet Diet

Beetroot is a product rich in anthocyanins, which improve the condition of the skin and hair. In addition, the beet contains a lot of vitamins, fiber and useful microelements that can strengthen your health. Can a diet on beets be effective and useful at the same time? Of course! Beet diet will not only allow you to lose up to 6 kilograms of weight in less than 2 weeks, but it will also help to cleanse the body and strengthen health. There are several ways to use beets for weight loss. This and unloading days and long consumption of dishes from this vegetable.

Beet Weight Loss Diet

Consider one of the most popular options: a 10-day diet on beets. It is adhered to in order to lose weight and cleanse the intestines. The diet for this period of time consists of low-calorie foods and actually beets. It is allowed to use low-fat meat, salads from vegetables, seasoned with a couple of teaspoons of olive oil, as well as low-fat dairy products. The main difference from other diets is eating a special drink before eating, which is prepared according to the following recipe: squeeze juice from 1 fresh beet, 2 medium carrots and 1 orange in the juicer, and drink it 20-25 minutes before eating.

You can stick to 3 meals a day or you can break a certain amount of food into 5-6 receptions (as convenient). In this case, beet juice for weight loss should be drunk 2 times a day before lunch and dinner.

For breakfast, you can prepare a delicious beetroot salad for weight loss. To do this, you need fresh beets, carrots or a green apple, 4 eggs (preferably only use proteins). Eggs boil hard, all cut into strips or cubes, you can add a little lemon juice for taste and a little olive oil. Also allowed is the use of low-fat cottage cheese.

For lunch and dinner, cook porridge from buckwheat groats and a small slice of lean meat (beef, veal, chicken), you can put out the vegetables with fish. All dishes should be prepared without oil, that is, as a rule, the products are cooked, baked in foil or cooked on a steaming.

Do not forget to drink water! Diet with beets also requires that the body does not suffer from dehydration. Therefore, drink non-carbonated water and tea without sugar.

Diet with beets is good not only for its effectiveness, but also for its accessibility. All products are easy to get in any store or market, and their cost is very low. Thus, you not only get rid of excess weight, cleanse the body, but also save money for a new dress of smaller size.

Relaxing day on beet

This beet diet should be observed only once a week. It is used to cleanse the body, for example, after holidays or to treat constipation. Your diet for this day consists of a salad, which includes:

All products grind on a grater, mix and season with lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Eat a salad when you feel hunger, it is desirable to break the whole serving into 4-6 receptions. If possible, arrange such a day off at home, as with such nutrition increases peristalsis and stimulates evacuation from the intestine, and such surprises at work are clearly of no use.

Unloading diet on the beet should be conducted rarely, but if you want to arrange unloading days every week, we recommend to choose a different diet.