Masks from acne in the home

When the first spots appear, they immediately cause a lot of problems. They are formed as a result of clogging of pores with fat. After oxidation, dots appear, first white, and then black. If they get an infection, inflammation begins. Doctors recommend buying specialized medicines in pharmacies, but they do not always help. Here on the proceeds come masks from pimples, mixed at home. Many are skeptical about them. But most experts agree on the opinion that home procedures help fight acne better.

Recipes masks from acne in the home

For a long time, many specialists managed to test the effectiveness of folk recipes. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the preparation of some of the best masks from acne in the home.

From the laundry soap



Grind soap, add water and beat until foam, which then should be mixed with salt.

Wash and apply the resulting solution to the skin. Hold for about half an hour and wash off. Use this mask three times a week for not more than one month. The first results will be visible after the fourth procedure.

Carrot mask from acne in the home



Carrot pure juice mixed with yolk. Add warm mashed potatoes.

Wash, apply a mask, after ten minutes wash off. Repeat the procedure can be a couple of times a week. It perfectly helps young people with acne.

Cucumber Mask from acne in the home



Wash the cucumber, pass through a fine grater. Introduce soda and mix.

Wash and apply the mixture on your face. Wash off after about a quarter of an hour.

Yeast Mask



Add warm water to the yeast and mix it. The mixture should turn out thick. Stir the lemon juice.

Apply the mask and allow to dry. Then rinse with water. It is desirable to use the drug no more than 2 times a week. This simple mask from acne, created at home, will remove redness and inflammation, will clear the pores of fat and dark spots.

Mask with green clay



Mix the green clay with butter, add protein. Kiwis pre-grate or crush, enter into the mixture. Mix well until smooth.

Apply on face, wait no more than ten minutes and rinse. It is believed that this is one of the most effective masks from acne, easily prepared at home.

Mask on chamomile and calendula



Pour camomile into a cup and pour 150-170 ml of boiling water. Insist half an hour and strain. Use only when warm. In the chamomile solution, add the infusion of marigold and mix.

Dampen the napkin with the resulting mixture, squeeze and place on the face. After half an hour, remove the tissue and wash the skin with warm, clean water. This mask against acne, created at home, relieves inflammation, dries problem areas, makes the skin soft. It is advisable to carry out this procedure immediately after a warm shower or bath.