Oatmeal for the face

Different types of facial skin require different approaches to caring for it. Oatmeal for the face skin is of great benefit. From its flakes you can make various masks and scrubs that will help make the matte too fatty skin, moisturize the dry, nourish the combined, saturate the skin with vitamins, minerals and trace elements, smooth out wrinkles and remove acne. Recipes of masks and scrubs from oatmeal are very simple, so it is worth trying to cook and use them at home.

How to prepare an oatmeal scrub?

The face skin should not only be moistened or nourished, but also cleaned from time to time. Effective means are scrubs from oat flakes.

For any type of skin suitable for such an easy-to-prepare scrub.

Recipe for a facial cleansing facial scrub


Preparation and use

Pre-steaming face. Oat flakes should be soaked in water, take in the palm of your hand and massage the skin of a wet face for a couple of minutes. Then wash with cool water, soak your face with a towel or paper napkin. After that, you can apply daily cream. If the skin on the face is peeling off, slurry for scrub from oat flakes should be done with warm boiled milk.

Oatmeal for the face from acne

Oatmeal serves as a very effective remedy for getting rid of inflammation, drying and completely getting rid of acne. We offer an effective mask recipe against acne.

Recipe masks from oatmeal from acne


Preparation and use

Mix everything in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply the mixture on a steamed face in advance. Hold the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

Oatmeal for the face from wrinkles

We offer a recipe based on oatmeal flakes for getting rid of wrinkles. In addition, this mask is able to lightly whiten the face, reduce the pore size and give the skin a fresh, healthy appearance.

Oatmeal mask recipe for wrinkles


Preparation and use

Mix flour from oatmeal with milk or cream, honey in equal proportions. (For greater effect and in the absence of an allergic reaction, you can add lemon juice and whipped proteins). Apply the mixture on the cheeks, forehead, chin, nose and around the eyes, where wrinkles occur especially often. Approximately twenty minutes after the composition will solidify, you need to carefully remove it and wash your face with slightly warm water. After the procedure, you can make a scrub - the desired effect will increase.