Cherry jam with a gelatin for the winter

Fans of cherry blanks will be especially pleased with the jam cooked with the addition of gelatin. Such a delicacy can be cooked for five minutes thick even with a small amount of sugar, which is almost impossible without the participation of gelatinous granules.

Cherry jam without pits with gelatin for the winter - recipe

The result of this recipe will be soft, sparse cherry jam. The berries in it are combined with a tender, fragrant, not very sweet jelly. Necessarily we choose for preparation of preparation quality checked gelatin, differently otherwise instead of jelly jam it is possible to receive simply compote .



For the preparation of jam, choose a fresh cherry, rinse it and remove the berries from the bones. After that, we put the berry mass in an enamel vessel, pour in the sugar, add water, let the contents boil and boil for a moderate heat for five minutes, stirring.

In advance, soak in two tablespoons of water, gelatinous granules and after swelling dissolve them in a water bath until complete dissolution. Pour the resulting gelatin mass to hot boiled cherries with water and sugar, mix, warm up until the first signs of boiling, but do not let it boil. Immediately pour the workpiece on sterile dry containers, collect all the foam from the surface, seal the jam with lids, which must be boiled in advance, and put it under a warm blanket.

After complete cooling, move the gelatin cherry jam into a cool and dark place for storage.

Jam from cherry "Pyatiminutka" with gelatin

You can get a more intense and thick taste of jam with gelatin by preparing it without adding water. Such jam, however, like the previous one, can be called "Five-Minute". This is the time it will take to brew berries on fire.



Prepare such a jam from cherry with gelatin can be both with bones, and getting rid of them. In the latter case, it will take much more time to prepare the components, but the result will be more pleasant. After all, it is much more convenient to use a delicacy, not being afraid to damage your teeth, accidentally biting a bone.

So, rinse the cherry under running cold water, let the berries drain, and get rid of the bones if desired. We pour the berry mass with granulated sugar, pre-mixed in a separate container with gelatinous granules, and we determine the preform in a suitable jug for cooking jam. Cover the container with a lid or tighten it with a film and leave it in a dark place for eight hours or overnight.

After a while we have a container with cherries on the stove on a moderate fire and warm up, from time to time stirring and taking off the foam, to a boil. We weld the billet in the smallest heat for five minutes, after which we pour the cherry mass over sterile dry containers, cap it with boiled lids and leave it under the blanket until it is completely cooled.

Spicy jam for the winter from cherry with gelatin

The originality and unusual spicy taste of cherry jam, prepared according to this recipe, surpasses all expectations. Berries with gelatin, supplemented with a chocolate-coffee note, create a divine taste composition that will amaze even the fastidious gourmets.



A washed cherry without pits is covered with sugar, add the other loose components from the list, namely, we pour cocoa powder, coffee, acid, lemon and gelatin granules. Stir the berry mass and leave for several hours to separate the juice, from time to time stirring.

Now we put the vessel with the workpiece on the stove and warm it up, stirring, to a boil, after which we boil, removing the foam, for five minutes. We add alcohol, mix, pour boiling billet on sterile containers and cap it with clean lids. Keep this jam recommended in the refrigerator or cellar.