Kampsis - planting and care

Campsis Lour belongs to the family Bignoniaceae, it is a descending liana, whose stem, in the process of growth, begins to have a tree structure. The genus is divided into two species, which grows in China and North America. This liana rapidly grows, growing in the stalk of the root, which is fixed for any support and can crawl up to a height of up to 15 meters. The peculiarity of this plant is that it is thermophilic enough (for this reason it did not spread in areas with severe winter and long periods of low temperatures) and prefers a mild climate. At the same time, campsis is well established in the harsh conditions of the city (ie, gas and smoke).

In the vastness of the CIS countries, the most common can be found on the coast of the Black Sea. It is widely used for decoration of fences (as a result, a living, green hedge is obtained) and vertical gardening of the walls of houses, as well as it can be shaped like a small flowering tree.

This plant is very impressive with its "external data".

Flowers (depending on the variety) can be crimson, golden red, orange and tender pink. Each of them has the form of a funnel widening from one end. They combine into bundles at the ends of the shoots. Blossoms the campsis and June to September The leaves are large enough, have a complex structure and consist of 9-13 smaller leaves.

Pods (8-10 cm) are the fruit of the campsis. Inside the pod, a large number of dry, flat-shaped seeds can be found. The seed itself, possessing a branch in the form of a wing, which gives it high volatility (an extremely important factor for expanding the plant population over a large area).

Planting of Campsis

Plant kampsis in fertile soil, enriched with minerals (as well as a soil rich in limestone). Usually the landing is in the middle-end of May. For planting dig in the ground a dug twice as big as an earth coma, then straighten the rhizome and penetrate into the ground. Top compost and watering planting.

Reproduction of kamsis

Reproduction of kampsis occurs by cuttings, seeds, stiffened and green shoots, layers and root shoots. Reproduction by means of seeds is extremely rare. Much more often, campsis is propagated by cuttings. For this purpose, you can use: lignified cuttings (for this purpose, cut the cuttings in early spring or winter and plant them strictly inclined), and green cuttings (cut in the beginning and middle of summer, leave 2-3 leaves on them, planted obliquely into loose ground in the shade ).

Reproduction of the vine by layers occurs by separating the entrenched daughter shoots from the mother plant. Disembarkation occurs usually in the spring.

Select a location

Successful cultivation of a campsis requires certain knowledge. The choice of the landing site is of great importance. Liana is very light-loving, so it should be planted on the sunny, southern or southeastern part of your infield. It is also important to prepare the plant well for the winter season. For the winter, the handsome man must be removed from the supporting structure and laid on the ground. Then it is covered with spruce lapnik and polyethylene on top.

Pruning Campsises

A few words about how to cut off the campsis. This procedure is necessary in order to properly form the processes and as a result to get a vigorous bloom of the creeper. Circumcision is performed when the vegetation process is over. Leaves from 2 to 4 shoots (by the end of vegetation reaching 3 meters). They will serve as the basis for future individual plants.