Cucumbers on a trellis in an open ground - the scheme

The growing method on trellis is usually used for cucumbers planted in a greenhouse. But over time it was used for open ground. This helps increase yield several times.

Cucumber planting on trellises in open ground

Creation of trellises requires the preparation of a support of poles made of wood or reinforced concrete with a height of about 2 m. The distance between supports is 1 m. Cucumbers on a trellis in the open ground are grown by pulling the trellis wire on the poles above each line. The wire is pulled in 3 levels at a height: the first - 15 cm, the next - 1 m and 2 m.

A 180-190 cm long plastic grid with a width of 10-20 cm is fixed on the wire.

The scheme of planting cucumbers on a trellis

For crops planted in suburban areas, there is a scheme for growing cucumbers on trellises in the open field, which is used in the following options.

Single line schema

Under this scheme, cucumbers are grown on beds in a single row. The scheme is as follows:

Two-line scheme

With this scheme, cucumbers on the ridges are grown in two lines:

Plants can be located in different ways near the trellis, depending on its design. So, the trellis can look like this:

Forming cucumbers on the trellis in the open ground is carried out in such ways:

  1. In one stem - an earlier crop is obtained. On the first 2-3 knots, the fruits and stepsons are completely removed and 1 stem and leaves are left.
  2. In two stems - the harvest will be later.

Thus, you can choose an acceptable scheme for planting cucumbers.