Syrup from chokeberry

Chokeberry, like any rowan in general, is not intended for use in raw form. Most often bright jelly cook jams, jellies , compotes and syrups that help cope with colds throughout the cold season.

Due to a peculiar sharp taste, chokeberry is rarely used in compotes and jellies, most often its taste is clogged with sugar, spices and other additives to get exceptional benefit from these unique berries. We will talk about the preparation of the syrup from the black chokeberry further.

Recipe for syrup from black ashberry

The benefit of the syrup from the aronia blackberry, prepared according to the following recipe, is undeniable, but it is not necessary to use it in its pure form because of too high concentration. As a rule, such syrup is further diluted with hot water in a ratio of 1: 2, and it is drunk as a compote.



Pure water bring to a boil and combine it with citric acid. For greater naturalness, the acid can be replaced with juice of natural lemons, and add their zest to syrup for a pleasant citrus flavor. Following the acid in the pot with water, send and rowan berries. In this case, before adding, rowan should be checked for integrity, if necessary, cleaned, rinsed and dried.

We cover the saucepan with the base for the syrup and cover it well. We leave the berries in the water for a day, so that they soften and give water all their benefits. After the time has passed, we filter the drink, pour the juice back into the pan, and discard the berries. Add sugar to the juice, mix well and dispense into bottles or clean jars. Cover the syrup with lids and store in a cool place. Due to the presence of citric acid in its composition, as a natural preservative, the syrup can be stored for up to a year.

Syrup of black ashberry with cherry

At the beginning of the article, we have already mentioned various methods that are invented in order to drown out the taste and smell of mountain ash. One of these techniques will be the addition of a cherry leaf syrup to the base. The benefit of the rowan syrup will remain the same, but the taste and aroma will be replaced by cherry.



The way of preparation is the same as in the previous recipe, with the only difference - berries of mountain ash should be covered in a saucepan with layers, shifting each layer with cherry leaves. Once all the berries are in the saucepan, boil the water, dilute the citric acid in it and pour the resulting solution contents of the pan. Cover the base for the syrup and leave it for two days.

At the end of the time, we filter the juice, and we throw out the berries and leaves, or let the tincture be cooked. In rowan juice, sugar is cultivated, we bring the syrup to a boil and poured over sterile jars. We roll it up and store it in the cool until it's needed.

The finished syrup is also diluted with water before use. You can also add a spoonful of other goodies to a cup of tea or coffee as a sweetener.

Syrup from black chokeberry for winter



In a saucepan, lay berries, buds of cloves, cinnamon, grated ginger and pour all the water. We bring the contents of the pan to a boil and boil for 20-30 minutes or until the volume is reduced by half. Filter the syrup through a sieve, add honey to the solution and pour it into a clean bottle or jar. Store the syrup in the refrigerator.