How to salt herring?

Salted herring is a traditional Russian dish. Who will not run saliva at the sight of such a simple, seemingly, a combination, like fresh boiled potatoes and herring home salting? So now we will learn how to salt herring - a recipe is available to everyone. Of course, ready fish can be bought in the store, but who will give a guarantee that it will be fresh, quality and truly delicious. Yes, and everyone has their own preferences - someone wants a fish softer, another - sharper.

There are several options for how to salt herring in brine. They can differ significantly from each other - for example, the amount of salt per liter of water can be a whole glass, and just a couple of spoons. The difference is also in how much to salt herring - one option offers several hours, another - days. But at the same time, the ingredients also change - as a rule, if the recipe is "quick", vinegar enters the brine, that is, rather marinade, and not salted, and the marinated herring turns out. Then the salt can be less, because vinegar also kills both pathogenic bacteria and parasites. In general, you can choose any recipe for your taste, the main thing is to observe the basic rules. Firstly, strictly to withstand the time specified in the recipe - this is important not only for taste, but also for health. If the fish is not saturated with brine, our body risks getting unwanted guests. Secondly, pay attention to the ingredients: if the salt is small, then there must necessarily be vinegar. And now we learn the two most common recipes, how to salt herring.

How to salt fresh herring?


The selection of herring should be carefully. You can buy and frozen, but be sure - in good condition, make sure that there are no stains on the fish and no foreign smell. If the fish is frozen, then it is best to thaw it in the fridge - then it will retain both taste and softness. We take the bay leaf and pepper to taste.


To begin with, we prepare the brine: salt, sugar and spices are poured into a pot of water and brought to a boil. Boil it is not necessary - we immediately remove the brine from the heat and leave it to cool. At this time we will fish. Herring should be examined, if necessary - cleaned, then put in prepared cans. If desired, you can add a chopped onion onions - it will add a special sharpness to the dish. Fill the brine and close tightly. To fish well salted, leave it for a day in the room, but in the dark, then another day - in the refrigerator. On the third day the herring is ready for use. That's all, now you know how to salt the whole herring. If you ask how to salt herring with slices, we will answer - in the same way. Just have to take into account that the pieces are salted faster, so they can be kept only half a day - in the heat, and as much - in the refrigerator.

How to salt herring with slices?

Here we need salt, black ground pepper, crushed bay leaf, vegetable oil. Oil is better to taste in advance - it should not be bitter, otherwise the fish will be spoiled. We clean fish from bones and cut them into thin pieces. Now take a wide deep container, lubricate the bottom with oil and sprinkle with a small amount of a mixture of salt and seasonings, so that the bottom is completely covered. We lay a layer of fish, it is also flavored with oil and rubbed with spices. And so - layer by layer. Make sure that each piece is sprinkled with salt on both sides, that is, the herring should not overlap. Now tightly close our structure with a lid or foil and put in the refrigerator. Fish can be found in just a day or to prepare a well-known salad for everyone - "Herring under a fur coat" . Bon Appetit!