Jam from yellow plum

Plums - fruits are delicious and healthy, rich in vitamins B and C. And besides, they have a slight laxative and antiseptic properties, so using them, we disinfect the oral cavity and digestive system. Below we will tell you how to cook jam from yellow plum.

Recipe of jam from yellow plum with nuts



Plums are properly mine, we remove the tails and bones. Walnuts filled with water and give them a stand for half an hour. We put the plums in a basin or a pan, pour in about 50 ml of water. Cook for about 20 minutes. After that, pour sugar and cook for 40 minutes, stirring. From the nuts, drain the water and pour the cores to the sinks. After boiling, boil for another 12 minutes, then immediately place it on the jars and cork.

Jam from small yellow plum



Plums are washed and poured into a saucepan. On low heat, let them boil and wipe through a colander to separate bones and skins. In the resulting pulp, add pectin and again give the mass to boil. Now add sugar, stir and simmer for about 3 minutes. Jam is ready. If this is a blank for the winter, then we put it in jars and close it with lids.

Jam from yellow plum



Plums are mine, we give them a little dry, divide in half and remove the bones. Place the prepared fruit in a container, where we will make jam (it is better that it is an enameled container), and pour them sugar. We leave, while plums will not start up juice. After this, bring the jam to a boil over low heat, stirring. Again, we leave the clock at 8. After that, we again bring the mass to a boil and leave it for a couple of hours. We repeat the procedure until every sliced ​​plum permeates with sugar syrup. Then we spread it over the jars and cover it with covers.

Jam from yellow plum slices



We wash the washed plums in a solution of soda (5 g of soda we dissolve in 1 liter of cool water) for 2-3 minutes. Then the solution is drained, and with the sink thoroughly rinsed off the remains of soda. Then remove the stone. In the enameled container pour in water, pour sugar, put the mass on the fire and heat until the sugar dissolves completely. We pour slices of plums, let them boil, after which we turn off the fire and leave the clock at 12. After that, put the jam on the fire again, bring it to the boil and boil the minutes 2, gently stirring. We leave the clock again for 10 minutes. Cut the orange peel with straws and fall asleep into the plum mass, again give it a boil and cook on a small fire for 10 minutes. Then we remove the foam, and put the jam on the jars and roll them up or close them with capron lids and send them to storage.

Jam from yellow plum "pyatiminutka"



We drain the plums, remove the bones and cut the flesh with lobules, then pour them with sugar and leave them to let the juice run. This can take an average of 4-5 hours. If the juice came out very little, then pour a little water. We bring plum jam on low heat to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, gently stirring and taking off the foam. Then turn off the fire and leave the jam for 3 hours, until it completely cools. Again, repeat the procedure and after that we spread the jam over the cans, close it and send it to storage.