Lecho of pepper

In order to cook really delicious lecho from your favorite vegetables and, of course, peppers you need to observe all proportions, and we'll tell you how to prepare it for the winter.

Lecho of Bulgarian pepper with tomato paste



Fleshy Bulgarian pepper is washed under a stream of running water, cut out the peduncles and cut it in half, scrubbing the seeds. We cut the prepared vegetable into longitudinal (not very wide) segments.

Pasta choose a rich red color and, having put it in a large saucepan, add water, in which it is thoroughly dissolved. Now pour sugar into our tomato sauce, add the kitchen salt and stir again.

We put everything on the hotplate of the included plate and bring the contents of the pan to a boil. Then lay out a slice of pepper and mix them with a sauce of tomato paste. On the smallest fire cook this delicious lecho for 20 or even 25 minutes. Then gently lay out the lecho in equal proportions of pepper and sauce in the cans, which we carefully met before the steam. Rinse the jars of lids and turn them over with a warm blanket. We disclose them only the next day.

Lecho with carrots, spicy and sweet peppers



We remove the pepper from the stems and seeds unnecessary to us. We cut it into thick circles, and then each of them is divided in two. Before cleaning and cutting hot peppers, we protect the handles with gloves (crush it with small-fine straws). Purified carrots first cut into thin rings, and then cut them into straws.

In a deep pot, pour in pre-prepared tomato juice, add sunflower oil to it, add salt and add a little sugar. Stir all the mixture and put this container on the included plate. When the tomato leaves for about 3-4 minutes, add the carrot straw and cook it for 10 to 12 minutes. Further we enter here both kinds of peppers and we give them to cook as much as carrots. We pour into the lecho table vinegar and after a couple of minutes, we set it aside from the fire and immediately distribute it on glass jars. Each bank is rolled up with a prepared lid and turned upside down under a blanket, which we clean in the morning. Covers and jars before use sterilize!

Lecho of zucchini and pepper with tomato paste



Properly prepare for conservation of all vegetables. Pepper and young zucchini cut into large (up to 3-4 cm) cubes.

In a saucepan in which we plan to prepare our snack, stir to a homogeneous state tomato paste, sunflower oil and drinking water. We pour sugar in here with large kitchen salt and send the sauce to the stove. When in the pan, everything will be boiling, put the pepper in it at once with zucchini. After 20 minutes, slowly pour in the vinegar, and after 7 minutes our dish can be removed from the fire. We seal it in sterile sterile cans, which we install on the lids and cover with something warm until the contents cool down.