Why does the dog eat grass?

A dog, of course, is not a sheep or a goat, but sometimes it eats with pleasure the grass, preferring it to delicious and nutritious preserves. What reason makes her eat like that? Is it possible for a dog to eat grass or do you need to drive it away from wild plants? Dietitians claim that this phenomenon is very common and there are no special reasons for worrying the owner of a hairy pet.

Why does a dog eat grass?

Sometimes, just in the food of your dog, there are no necessary ingredients that are found in plants, and animals instinctively try to fill them up by accepting plant foods uncharacteristic of them in ordinary conditions. Try to include in the diet of your favorite vegetables, foods rich in fiber, vitamins. If everything is normal, it means that our guesses were correct.

The second reason when a dog eats grass on the street is self-medication of some intestinal disorder. Animals also know how to look for medicines in nature when they are concerned about something. Eating grass can cause vomiting , which will relieve the intestines from bad foods and the processes in his body will normalize. But here the often frequent urge to vomit should disturb you. Serious poisoning or illness should be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian.

What kind of grass is useful for dogs?

If plants are treated with herbicides or other drugs, grow near a busy road, then this feed will only harm your pet. On leaves, it is easy to pick up parasites and provoke a more serious infection than the one that the dog is trying to cure. There is another more good and useful option - to buy a special mixture of herbs in the pet store that can supply the animal with all the microelements necessary for growth. Growing under your supervision in the pot on the balcony of the plant will not fall under acid rain and will not get dirty infested with germs of dust. Sowing such grass and taking care of it is not more difficult than for an ordinary pot. But the dog will be grateful to the owner, and you will help to improve her health.

The question of why a dog eats grass, has bothered the owners of animals for a long time. People noticed that their wards sometimes ran away from home and came back in a couple of days healthy. Of course, pets have already forgotten the knowledge that their wild ancestors possessed. But instincts at the right moment still work, and we should not go against nature, but rather help your dog to recover from some kind of disease, even in such a slightly unusual way.