Rules of etiquette for girls

At the mention of the word "etiquette", most people come to mind with complex options for serving the table using dozens of instruments, stately Victorian ladies and the coldness of official events of aristocratic houses. Meanwhile, etiquette is just a set of rules that regulate people's behavior in a given situation. And even if you consider yourself a rebel, going against all norms and rules of society, to know the main rules of women's etiquette will never hurt. This is especially important during travel, because very often the rules of behavior in different countries are significantly different, and what is happening in your homeland can surprise or even shock foreigners.

In this article, we will talk about modern European rules of etiquette for women.

Etiquette of the modern girl

Everyday etiquette for girls includes the following basic rules:

  1. Any communication begins with a greeting. Its purpose is to express the joy and pleasure of the meeting. During the greeting, the degree of friendly relations should be taken into account. For distant acquaintances will be enough verbal greeting, a close friend or relative can be kissed on the cheek or easily hug. However, a balance must be maintained between a sluggish and too stormy greeting. Remember that you must be heard by those with whom you greet, and not all those around within a few meters. Avoid loud exclamations, stormy embraces and noisy long kisses.
  2. In rainy weather, a guy holds an umbrella over a girl (if he is taller or the same height as her). With a significant difference in growth, each carries its own umbrella. Entering the room, remember the need to protect others from the water draining from your umbrella. To do this, use a cover or leave the umbrella in a special stand at the entrance.
  3. There are on the street, especially while walking - indecent. Of course, no one will forbid you to eat ice cream in a park on a bench, but do not go into public transport, a shop or a museum with a bitten hamburger or a sandwich.
  4. To come to visit should be exactly at the appointed time. Contrary to popular belief, guests should not be late. If you can not reach the appointed time, be sure to warn the owners about it. In the event that you need to leave before other guests, do not attract too much attention. Leave quietly, without fuss, and of course, do not forget to say goodbye to the hosts and thank them for their welcome.
  5. Monitor your movements. Too active gesticulation not only hinders others, but does not look too beautiful.

Etiquette in the restaurant for a girl

If you go to a restaurant with a gentleman, then, according to the rules, the guy enters the room first. Taking the menu, he must pass it to the girl, offering her to choose first. Then he takes the menu himself, makes a choice and orders dishes for both.

You should not start eating before the order is brought to everyone present. The only exception is when other people themselves will offer you to start a meal without waiting for them.

At the end of the meal, the instruments are placed on the plate in parallel. If you pause while eating - the instruments should be placed crosswise.

During eating, one should not chomping, sniffing food noisily or demonstratively picking at it. There is a knife, or sitting at a table, picking out pieces of food that are stuck in your teeth - the most rude of possible violations of etiquette.

If you accidentally dropped, scattered or spilled something - do not panic and do not rush headlong to correct your mistake. Spilled liquid should be wiped only with a napkin, and scattered crumbs should not be smeared on the floor.

Business etiquette for women

Etiquette clothing for business women provides for compliance with the classical official style in appearance. The ideal variant of clothes will be a business suit (jacket and trousers or a skirt) of restrained tones. In this case, the absolute coincidence of the "top" and "bottom" of the costume is not necessary - you have the right to combine, for example, a sand jacket and a blue skirt.

The main requirement for any clothing is cleanliness and accuracy. Make sure that your suit has always been washed and ironed, there were no stains or holes on it. Similarly, your hairstyle and makeup should be neat. To watch your appearance means to show respect to others. But do not put yourself in order (pull up stockings, clean shoes, straighten your hair, powder your nose, tint your lips, or wipe your leaking mascara) in public. It is better to do it at home or in the "ladies room".

As you can see, modern etiquette for women does not provide for supercomplex rules or exhausting duties. It is enough only to be friendly, to behave with restraint, but not constrained, and treat others with respect.