Nappy-panties Haggis

Every modern mother knows how convenient it is to use disposable diapers. These hygiene products help in caring for the baby and save parents time. But picking a suitable brand of products is not easy, because it is useful to know in advance information about different types of products. As the baby grows older, parents choose more convenient options. Thus, panty diapers have proved themselves well for children who have begun to actively explore the world and can not sit still on the spot. Hygienic means "Huggies" are common. It is worth considering the products of this brand.

general information

This type of care for babies is a kind of breakthrough in the field of hygiene. Diapers in the form of panties were born, thanks to the corporation "Kimberly Clark". It was she who developed the breathable outer coating, called Soft Touch, which protects the skin from diaper rash. Manufacturers take into account the anatomical features of babies, so you can pick up panties "Haggis" separately for girls and boys. For young princesses, a denser absorbent layer is located centrally. For boys, the diaper is longer in the front than from the back, which makes room for the genital organ. The reinforced absorbent layer is also in front. The design of the products is also developed taking into account the sex of the carapaces.

Many mothers rated diapers "Haggis Ultra Comfort" , but the shape of the panties becomes very relevant for children about 9-12 months old. In addition, this model promotes learning to use the pot.

Panty diapers "Huggies Little Walkers". This series is available in different designs. Lovers of cartoons can use products with Disney heroes. Also for small mods you can buy diapers in the design "under the jeans."

This series was the first among the panties Haggis. They can be worn like ordinary linen, but the manufacturer also provided Velcro on the sides so that it is more convenient for the mothers to change the diaper. Also, when selecting, you can consider the following information:

Panties Pull-Ups. The products of this series are designed to help mothers accustom crumbs to the pot.

Panty diapers "Huggies" for girls and boys have a special layer that absorbs the liquid not immediately, but through time. This allows the crumb to feel discomfort, which gives a signal to use the pot. The design of the product allows the toddler to take off and put on his panties himself.

Also on the diaper are pictures that disappear if a crumb has peeked into it. This should encourage the baby to walk on the pot, so that the beautiful figure remains in place.

Panties DryNites. It happens that even big enough children do not wake up at night to go to the toilet. It is for children over 4 years old who have a similar problem that such a series was invented.

Diapers-panties "Haggis DryNites" suitable for boys and girls from 17 kg. The products are thin, soft, than they are like ordinary linen. They do not restrict children in movement. They have barriers for reliability.

Many parents in their reviews praise panties-diapers "Huggies" for both boys and girls. They note the pleasant appearance of products, their convenience. Some consider the ability to absorb fluids is not sufficient. Also, many people warn that the diapers of this brand are a little small. Products can be bought in most children's stores, supermarkets, which is an indubitable plus.