To the child of 9 months - that the baby is able how to feed and develop it?

If a child is 9 months old, then parents have to face his pecking independence. Changes occur at the physiological and psychological levels, it is important not to forget about controlling this process, so as not to miss anything important.

Child development in 9 months

The body of the baby strengthens, getting ready for walking, becomes stronger musculature improves coordination of movements. He learns to build the simplest logical chains, to correlate the usual sounds with the subsequent actions. The child can express emotions in 9 months, it is already possible to recognize not only joy and displeasure, his reactions become understandable resentment, interest, surprise, and others.

Weight and height of the baby in 9 months

Not only the newly emerging skills, but also the results of measurements of physical parameters speak about correct development. One of the most important is the child's weight in 9 months. According to WHO, the mass of boys at this age should be between 7.1 and 11 kg. For girls, the indicator is between 6.5 and 10.5 kilograms. During this period, the body mass gain is somewhat slowed due to the higher activity of the baby.

The growth of a child at 9 months of age is considered normal by 67.5-76.5 cm for boys and 65.3-75 cm for girls. The increment in growth for this month is 1-2 centimeters. If there are strong deviations from these parameters, a survey is required. Delay in growth can talk about liver disease, heart disease, endocrine or genetic disorders. When combined with a lack of weight, there is a risk of a hidden course of celiac disease .

What should a child be able to do in 9 months?

At this age, children begin to actively consolidate everything they learned earlier. They move more, become more curious. The pediatrician can tell you what the child can do in 9 months, but these points need to be taken as a guide. Small differences are allowed, you have to worry if there is not even a hint of acquiring a skill.

  1. Not all babies are comfortable to move around on all fours, but they are already willingly chosen to play toys or mum.
  2. Self sits down and can stay in this position for up to 10 minutes, can get to the items of interest.
  3. It easily keeps in your hands pieces of food, a spoon, but fingers unclench with difficulty. Therefore, it is difficult to select a thing from a child.
  4. When a child is 9 months old, he tries not to take the object with the entire palm, but use his fingers. Pick up crumbs, tear paper, carefully probing everything that is in the zone of his reach.
  5. Can stand, holding on to the support. Some children take their first steps with the help of a chair. In the walker he touches his legs, he does not get tired about 10 minutes.
  6. Many people like to listen to music, bounce and stomp their feet to the beat.
  7. Completely words can not be pronounced yet, but the child repeats actively syllables, imitates parents, communicates emotionally.
  8. At this time, the children try their hand at learning how to pretend and manipulate their parents.
  9. If the child is 9 months old, then he already knows how to recognize his name. In response to hail, he will look or creep closer. Can fulfill simple requests - to take or throw a toy, get up, find familiar things or lie down.
  10. Mastering gestures, pointing a finger at a place that he would like to see. Can play hide-and-seek and find parents by voice or rustle. Favorite idea - to knock toys or throw them on the floor.

Nutrition of the child in 9 months

This moment is individual, due to features or diseases, individual recommendations can be made. If the lure was started in half a year, then the question is, what to feed the baby in 9 months should not cause difficulties - all the basic products are already present in the menu. It can be made more diverse, gradually reducing the volume of breast milk or mixture. It should not be more than a quarter of the total diet. At the beginning of complementary foods before 6 months of new products in food will not appear, only the portion size will increase.

Child's menu in 9 months

By this time, the composition of children's food has already included:

A child in 9 months should begin to receive:

The child's diet at 9 months is not so much in need of breast milk or a mixture. They are left on the first and last meals for the day, and to wash down the unusual dishes. With their introduction, it is necessary to be cautious, because there is a risk of receiving an unusual reaction. To reduce it you need to start with a small amount. It is better to offer a new one in the morning, so that there is time to evaluate the effect obtained. if the evening is all right, then the food can be given on an ongoing basis.

How many times to feed a baby in 9 months?

Determine the amount of food that a child should receive per day, you need to divide his weight by 9. The figure is indicative, the appetite of children may differ. To organize daily meals, the child's diet at 9 months is divided into 5 receptions. The intervals between them should be 3-4 hours, so that the food is evenly distributed throughout the day. It is desirable to gradually introduce finely ground food, replacing mashed potatoes with vegetables, mashed with a fork.

Child's regime in 9 months

At this age, curiosity increases, the desire to explore the surrounding world provides a long wakefulness. The kid at 9 months almost does not wake up at night, and the regime of daytime rest can change a little. Walking is recommended to be done twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon, sleep is allowed during this period. In the summer, you can stay longer on the street to give you the opportunity to learn new things and get the necessary tempering.

How much does the baby sleep in 9 months?

The total sleep time is 15-17 hours. It is divided into three intervals:

Nine-month-old child gradually reduces the time of his rest. Often, active children refuse one day's sleep or reduce it to 30-60 minutes, pediatricians do not consider it wrong. In this case, parents need to monitor the absence of fatigue. The kid should not be capricious until the next packing, do not lose his appetite and remain curious. If all this is preserved, then do not make him sleep the second time in the afternoon.

A child of 9 months does not sleep well

Because of the increased activity, children can hardly fit, and then wake up several times a night with tears. This is not always a sign of something serious, even an awakening every hour can be normal.

  1. Breast-feeding. A child of 9 months does not sleep well at night because of the habit of feeling the warmth of the mother, and having lost it, ceases to feel safe.
  2. Teething. This process rarely passes without problems, in such a situation a bad dream is fully justified.
  3. Diseases. Colds, colic and otitis often cause pain, which provokes increased anxiety of the crumbs.
  4. Wrong order of the day. A child of 9 months may lack daily activity, which he replenishes in the evening.
  5. Uncomfortable atmosphere. The stuffiness or too low temperature in the room, uncomfortable clothes, irritating smells can interfere with deep sleep.
  6. Strong impressions and noisy games in the evening can long not allow to calm down.

How to develop a child in 9 months?

The period is distinguished by greater independence and curiosity, a desire to explore everything around and learn more. Therefore, the main thing the nine-month-old child needs is development. He can offer new toys and more interesting activities, helping to acquire new skills. To make it faster to learn how to crawl , you can try:

  1. Alternately put your hands to support the feet.
  2. To put from a blanket under a breast and gradually to push forward.
  3. Build a house with a tunnel in which your favorite toys are laid out.

Games with a child in 9 months

  1. Cubes. Of these, you can add towers and other structures. Completely repeat these actions in children is not always obtained, but they watch their parents carefully.
  2. Treasure Chest. In the box you need to fold small objects with different texture - pieces of cloth, cardboard, sponge, lid from the bottle. The kid at 9 months, whose development includes the formation of grasping functions, will be happy to sort them out.
  3. Games in the bathroom. During bathing, you can teach you how to pour water from a glass into a glass.
  4. Phone. At first, my mother simulates a conversation on the phone, and then offers to repeat after her.
  5. Painting. For this, finger paints are used. The child may like to mess with the salty dough. From it you can make a cake, roll up small items, and then offer to get them.

Toys for children in 9 months

It is useful to develop fine motor skills, but if you give things that can be shoved into your nose or swallowed, then the time of interaction with them should be monitored. The following toys are suitable for a child in 9 months: