Swimming for babies

Experts have proved that the ability to swim gives huge advantages to man. And the sooner the baby learns to swim, the better. To date, swimming for babies is gaining a lot of popularity. More and more parents are convinced of the great benefits of swimming and strive to enroll in classes as early as possible.

Swimming for babies has arisen for a long time. According to historical data, this kind of exercise was practiced by many peoples who lived on the banks of water bodies. The foundations of modern swimming for babies were born in the first half of the last century. Australian Timerman in 1939, on the advice of a doctor in very hot weather, began to take her newborn child to the pool. Watching the baby, she discovered that water procedures give him great pleasure. Based on her observations and practice, Timerman wrote a book that became a textbook for swimming for babies in many countries around the world. A few years later in the USSR the book "Swim before walking" was published by Z.P. Firsova. The book described the swimming technique for babies, available to all parents. According to this technique, exercises for swimming for babies could be carried out in a bath, and it was actively introduced in the Soviet times for the recovery of children.

Swimming gives an enormous health boost to the child. The main advantage of swimming for babies is that children who have a long and constant contact with the aquatic environment, develop faster. Water exercises have a beneficial effect on the circulation and respiratory system of the baby. Water helps to strengthen the skeleton and form a correct posture in the child. Parents who are engaged with their baby swimming, note that their child is better eating and sleeping.

v Beginning swimming lessons for babies can be from 2-3 weeks from birth. The very first lessons parents can take at home in the bathroom. To do this, they should invite a swimming instructor for babies. The instructor will show the basic exercises and will give the parents theoretical training on swimming training for babies. Swimming exercises for babies in the bath should be done daily. At about 3 months, a child with parents can attend group sessions. Swimming for babies is held in a special pool. The water in such a pool is not disinfected with chlorine, but in another way, safe for the baby, and its temperature does not drop below 35 degrees. A swimming lesson for babies is conducted by an instructor. The duration of one session is usually 20-30 minutes.

To get to the pool, parents will need:

In most cases, a cap for swimming is not required, but at the request of parents, you can buy a cap for swimming babies in any children's store.

There are swimming pools in which a certificate for children and parents is issued on the spot, for the sake of formality. Parents in this case should think well about the advisability of visiting such a basin.

Swimming for babies does not prepare future Olympic champions. Teaching swimming for babies has other purposes. Firstly, by one year the child is kept on water for 20 minutes. Secondly, the child is able to dive to a shallow depth on his own. Thirdly, the child is able to drop into light clothing in the pool and stay on the surface for up to 5 minutes. The last achievement is especially important for those who are planning to relax with a year-old child on the shore of the reservoir.

Teaching the swimming of babies, parents will have a lot of fun. Children feel very well in the water and are happy with every next activity. However, regularly engaged with the child, moms and dads save him from many diseases, including colds.