Rhinitis in the infant

Rhinitis in babies is much more severe than in adults. This is due to the narrowness of the nasal passages, which swell, make breathing difficult for the baby. With a cold, a baby is hard to eat and losing weight is one of the attendant symptoms of a protracted rhinitis in the baby. On how to cope with this problem and cure a runny nose in an infant, we'll talk further.

Causes of rhinitis in babies

Among the main reasons for the development of the common cold in the baby can be noted:

Symptoms of a cold in the baby

Symptoms of a common cold in toddlers who are breastfed may differ slightly depending on the cause that caused the rhinitis itself.

Allergic rhinitis in infants

Coryza of this type appears in the child when exposed to an allergen. In addition to mucosal edema and congestion of mucus in the nose, the allergic rhinitis is characterized by reddening of the eyes. All the symptoms in the child quickly pass when eliminating the allergen.

The physiological rhinitis in the infant

Individual features of the autonomic system of babies can lead to the appearance of a so-called physiological cold . It manifests itself as a stuffy nose, which occurs when stress or exposure to strong stimuli, for example, in severe cold or intense smell.

As additional signs are noted: sweating palms in the child and trembling fingers on the hands.

Rhinitis in the infant with disease

ARVI and other diseases are also accompanied by a runny nose. Other conditions are characteristic for these conditions, for example, temperature, cough, reddening of the throat, dyspnea, general lethargy of the child's organism, etc.

How to cure a cold in a baby?

If the child's cold was provoked by a disease, you need to contact a specialist who will diagnose and prescribe all the medicines necessary for the child. Most often, infections from the common cold prescribe salt drops for babies. Bury them in accordance with the instructions to the drug or doctor's recommendations.

As part of the treatment of a runny nose in infants, the child should be helped in relieving the nasal passages from accumulated mucus. For this purpose, it is best to use a special aspirator . Wipe the snot with a handkerchief or clean the nasal passages with flagella from the handkerchief is not necessary. This can only aggravate the child's well-being, leading to the formation of wounds on the mucosa and around the nasolabial fold.

A severe runny nose in the baby with thickened secretions of a yellowish or green color should be treated in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. Self-medication in this case should not be dealt with, since a severe runny nose can give serious complications in the form of sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.

How to help babies with a cold, using folk remedies?

A good folk remedy for a cold in a babe is the same saline solution, but cooked at home. To prepare a salt solution, take a liter of boiled chilled water and dilute in it a teaspoon of salt. For a solution it is better to take sea salt, if it is not, you can take the usual cookery. With this solution, it is necessary to bury the nostrils to the child, on the 1-st drop in each nostril.

To treat the common cold, babies use drops of calendula decoction. For their preparation, a tablespoon of calendula flowers should be filled with a glass of boiling water and cook the broth in a water bath for 5 minutes. Cooked broth should be cooled and filtered. Bury the nostrils of the child needs 2 - 3 times a day for the 1 st drop of each nostril.

Broths of herbs when treating a cold in a baby should be used cautiously, as they can cause allergies.