Breeds of large dogs

The maintenance of a large dog requires increased financial costs, larger breeds need to be given more time for walking and grooming, but nevertheless, there are those who want to keep such dogs. Such pets have a more stable psyche, they are easier to train, they are clever, good-natured and loyal to the owner.

Despite their huge size and formidable appearance, they do not have anger towards children, so they can be great nannies, if necessary, they can be entrusted with the protection of the child, their kind will scare off any ill-wishers by their appearance.

Different breeds

The names of the breeds of large dogs are great, because in the world there are about 500 different breeds, we will consider the most popular of them.

Among hunting large breeds of dogs, the Russian Borzoi hound is popular, the breed originates in the XVII century, for the same purposes Argentinian mastiff was bred in Argentina at the beginning of the 20th century. These dogs have a magnificent flair and a terrific reaction, they are born hunters.

For protection and protection it is better to use another large breed dog, for example, a cane-corso (or Italian mastiff), a Bordeaux dog , distinguished by its watchdog qualities.

Also, the Central Asian Shepherd ( Alabai ), which looks awkward, these dogs have a quick reaction, possess a muscular body, will perfectly cope with the guard service and protection of the dwelling.

Specially for security functions, a breed was born, named the Moscow watchdog - a dog with excellent protective qualities, not knowing fear, never retreating.

The largest breeds of dogs in the world were recognized as St. Bernards , Spanish and English mastiffs, Newfoundlands.

Newfoundland (or diver) - originally the dogs of this breed served the fishermen as workers, but later they were used as rescuers, thanks to the membranes on their paws, the ability to swim and the water-repellent properties of their wool cover. Newfoundlands can weigh more than 90 kg, the largest representative of this breed weighed 120 kg.

The St. Bernard breed comes from Italian and Swiss working dogs, it is bred as a rescue dog. The largest representative of the breed named Benedektin had a weight of 166.4 kg. The character of the St. Bernards is friendly, the temper is calm.

One of the largest breeds is the Caucasian Shepherd , her strength and kindness is enough to protect the host from a group of ill-wishers, while she is able to withstand any pranks of children. These dogs, despite their large size, do not require long walks.

The biggest dogs

Which breed of dogs is recognized as the largest in the world? This honorary title went to the mastiff. The English mastiff reaches an impressive size, a dog possessing a kind, easy-going character, self-esteem, magnificent mind and devotion. With amazing bravery rushes to protect the family, if this is necessary, while individual individuals can be very lazy. The largest representative of this breed weighed 156 kg, and reached growth at the withers of 94 cm.

The Spanish mastiff is almost inferior to the English in strength and size, their weight can reach 100-120 kg, and the height is more than 80 cm. These dogs are excellent watchmen, differ in courage, if necessary, without the slightest hesitation, the mastiff will rush into a fight with a wolf, a bear . This breed of dogs requires hard training. Mastiffs are wary of outsiders, they may show aggression towards themselves, especially when threatened by the owner or family members.

When you breed a mastiff dog, you need to be ready for canine snoring and saliva.