No frost - what is this?

The development of technology does not stand still, and modern household units please us with their diversity. Automatic washing machines, microwave ovens and food processors help housewives do their work much faster and more efficiently than before. Not so long ago there was a new generation of refrigerators equipped with a system of dry freezing. Let's find out what this no frost system is and what this technology is based on.

The principle of the no frost system

In modern refrigerators, the cooling system can be of two types: drip (crying) or no frost.

Drip cooling involves the concentration of the coolant in the back wall of the refrigerator, whereby it will frost through frost. Then the refrigerator automatically turns off the system, ice melts and water flows down the rear wall into special chutes (hence the system got its name). When the cooling is switched on again, this water evaporates and gradually re-establishes itself: due to this, the cooling process is carried out.

Unlike the above-described drop, the no frost cooling system works differently. Lowering and setting the optimum temperature is due to the circulation of airflow inside the refrigerator (or freezer) chamber. For this, a fan system is used. The frost on the refrigerator wall is not formed (this can also be understood from the very name "no frost"), but the condensate accumulates in the form of water droplets in the grooves and flows into a separate container fixed to the refrigerator compressor. As the compressor constantly works and heats up, this liquid quickly evaporates and re-enters the cooling process.

How do I defrost a refrigerator with a no frost system?

There is an opinion that a refrigerator no frost does not need defrosting. However, this is not quite so: it is desirable to defrost the unit 1-2 times a year. Unlike old Soviet and modern refrigerators with a drop system, in refrigerators with dry frost there is never formed so much ice that when melting it turns into a large amount of water. All that is required of you is to get the products, turn off the unit from the system for 3-4 hours (it is desirable to open the freezer in order to make the process faster). Then you can wash all the surfaces, including the walls of the refrigerator, get and clean all the boxes and shelves to get rid of the specific smell.

After turning on the refrigerator, it should take some time before the air inside the chamber cools down to the desired temperature and you can put the food back. Take note that it is better to defrost the refrigerator when there are no perishable products in it.

Advantages and disadvantages of no frost

Choosing a refrigerator, compare each model you like, weigh "for" and "against." To arrive at a balanced decision, evaluate all the pros and cons of refrigerators with the no frost system.

Advantages of dry freezing

  1. As mentioned above, the main advantage of no frost is the lack of frost on the back wall; This eliminates the need to defrost the refrigerator regularly.
  2. In the chamber with dry freezing, the temperature is always more evenly distributed, there are no large differences between the air temperature on the bottom and top shelf of the refrigerator.
  3. After you have loaded a large number of products into the chamber or the door has been open for a long time, the air inside the refrigerator very quickly regains the desired temperature.
  4. You always have the opportunity to purchase a refrigerator, which will combine both technologies: in the freezer - no frost, and in the refrigerator - drop cooling system.

Disadvantages of dry freezing

  1. The most serious drawback is probably the fact that due to the active circulation of air inside the refrigerator, humidity is lowered and food products can dry up and dehydrate. However, this problems are a simple solution - store the products in plastic bags or special sealed containers.
  2. Refrigerators no frost consume more electricity than others.
  3. Some models may have an increased noise level. Consider this point when buying a refrigerator.
  4. Environmentalists believe that the system of dry frost threatens human health, radiating in the course of work certain harmful magnetic waves. However, there is no scientific evidence for this fact yet, and no frost harm is more than from a cooker or hood.