Love from alcoholism - a recipe

This plant has long been considered healing. It was used to treat kidneys, heart, edema, cholecystitis , bronchitis. In addition, it was used for flatulence and constipation, worms, colic. All kinds of nastitis are designed to treat hair, dandruff, open wounds. But one of the most important functions of the plant can be called the use of a lover of alcoholism - there are several recipes. The most important thing is that you can add the right amount of medicine to the alcohol, and the person will not know about it, because he can not understand the difference.

Folk recipes

The combination of lover and laurel is considered an effective prescription for alcoholism , though not without alcohol. It is noteworthy that the finished product can be added to the existing drink, and the person will not even notice the difference. In this case, he will have an aversion to alcohol.

Tincture of lovers and laurels


Preparation and use

To create tinctures, it is necessary to finely crumble the solid components in a bottle and pour them with vodka. Leave in a dark place for two weeks.

For treatment you need only one glass of tincture a day. The reaction is manifested in all, the truth can differ. Someone is experiencing vomiting already on the first day, and someone just a week later has an aversion to alcoholic beverages.

The first reactions may appear just one hour after admission. That's why it's better not to tell the patient what exactly he drank.

Tincture from alcoholism from grass lovage


Preparation and use

All the vegetable components must be crumbled. Bring water to a boil. Add one tablespoon of the mixture to the liquid and cook for five minutes. Remove from heat and allow to stand for about an hour, drain.

Take the tincture you need every day for two tablespoons after eating. The course of treatment is one month. This application of lovage with alcoholism is considered no less effective than the drug with laurel leaf and alcohol.

Tincture from lovage and lyubki


Preparation and use

Roots need to be crumbled. Pour the resulting mixture into water and leave overnight. In the morning, heat the tincture on low heat for 15 minutes. Strain.

Use three times a day for one glass. During the treatment it is forbidden to drink any alcohol.