Drugs with menopause are the best medicines that will eliminate unpleasant symptoms

The extinction of female reproductive function is a long, complex process, accompanied by numerous changes in the body. A woman experiences constant hot flashes, mood swings. Help to survive this period help drugs with menopause.

Manifestations of menopause in women

Numerous manifestations of menopause can accurately determine the beginning of this process. For the first time such symptoms women fix in 45-50 years. In this case, each representative of the fair sex, they are not similar to those signs that are noted in others, there are features of personality. Among the main manifestations of menopause is:

  1. Tides - frequent, repetitive sensations of heat, accompanied by reddening of the skin in the face, neck, and chest. Most often they occur in the evening and last 2-5 minutes.
  2. Night sweats - increased sweating at night.
  3. Heart palpitations, heart rhythm disturbance.
  4. Unreasonable anxiety, which is accompanied by a change in mood, irritability, aggressiveness.
  5. Periodic attacks of weakness, the appearance of dyspnea, chills, feelings of drowsiness.
  6. The appearance of dryness of the vaginal mucosa, its thinning, frequent trauma at sexual intercourse.
  7. Decreased sex drive.
  8. Pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen.
  9. Decreased elasticity and elasticity of the skin, the appearance of deep wrinkles, brittleness and brittle hair, changing the figure (weight gain).

How to reduce the symptoms of menopause?

Trying to transfer this period painlessly, the ladies are interested in the gynecologist as to what medicines to take a woman with menopause. Doctors say that the selection of medicines is carried out individually. Assigned hormonal drugs are combined with vitamins and mineral complexes, which increases the effect of the therapy. The basis of treatment is the following drugs with menopause:

Drugs with menopause from hot flashes

To begin with, it should be noted that any drug should be selected individually. Before appointing drugs for menopause from hot flashes and sweating, a woman is referred to numerous examinations:

These studies are necessary to establish the possibility of hormone therapy. Doctors establish the exact concentration of sex hormones in the patient's blood, taking into account that they select the necessary drugs for menopause, their dosage, the frequency of admission, and establish the duration of therapy. These drugs significantly reduce the incidence of hot flashes, sweating, help to ease the manifestations of menopause.

Drugs from dryness in the intimate zone

When prescribing medicines for menopause, doctors always take into account complaints of patients. Many women continue to have sex, so the dryness in the vagina becomes a problem for them: the sexual act is accompanied by soreness, trauma to the vaginal mucosa. This is fraught with infection and the development of the inflammatory process. In order to avoid this, gynecologists prescribe drugs with estrogens in various forms:

Medications for menopause

In analyzing the arising tides, sweating, it is established that they are often caused by the excitation of the nervous system. Emerging experiences, stresses, fears are accompanied by increased blood circulation. Assigning women sedatives at menopause, doctors can significantly improve overall health, exclude individual manifestations of the climacteric period. As such drugs, doctors prefer natural sedatives based on medicinal plants:

The best drugs for menopause

It is impossible to name the best preparations with menopause unequivocally. Each female organism is individual and menopausal phenomena transfer differently. Given this feature, in order to achieve excellent results and help the patient choose a cure for hot flushes with menopause, doctors take into account several factors:

Among the groups of drugs used to treat manifestations of menopause, it should be noted:

Non-hormonal drugs with menopause

To quickly achieve the effect, the elimination of mild manifestations of extinction of the reproductive system, doctors use non-hormonal drugs in a new generation of menopause. These medicines can improve the mental state, reduce the manifestations of climacteric neurological nature. They significantly reduce the intensity and duration of the disturbances that arise. Among drugs, non-hormonal drugs with a climacterium from hot flushes occupy a leading position. More commonly used:

1. Antidepressants:

2. Antiepileptic:

Hormonal drugs with menopause

Hormonal drugs with a new generation of menopause come to the rescue in cases when the expected effect from the use of non-hormonal drugs was not obtained. Patients taking such drugs note a rapid improvement in overall well-being. However, one of the disadvantages of such therapy is a compulsory visit to the doctor at least once every 2 months. The duration of reception of such funds reaches 6-12 months. Among the used hormonal drugs:

  1. Sigetin, Derbital, Divigel, Proginova. Preparations in its composition contain an artificial analogue of estrogen, can be used both in the early and late stages of menopause.
  2. Divina, Klimonorm, Klimen, Trieskvens. Relate to combined hormonal drugs. Due to its composition, they are used to eliminate various manifestations of menopause (sweating, nervousness, hot flashes, heart palpitations).

Homeopathic remedies for menopause

According to the assurances of gynecologists, some homeopathic remedies for menopause help reduce the frequency and severity of manifestations of this period. However, it is worth noting that not all patients manage to get the expected result by taking homeopathic remedies with the onset of menopause. Those who have felt the effect of these funds respond positively to them. Homeopathy has the same effect on the body as non-hormonal drugs in menopausal women. Among the drugs used in the menopause, we can distinguish the following:

Herbal remedies for menopausal women

Scientists have established the existence of plants, in the composition of which there are substances, according to the structure and effect on the female body, similar to hormones. They were called phytoestrogens. Directly on the basis of such plant components, modern preparations are created in menopause. They are able to quickly normalize the regulation of the reproductive system due to the property of causing a hormonal response, like estradiol. Among the phytoestrogens used are:

Vitamins and minerals in menopause

During the menopause, the female body needs a lot of minerals and vitamins. Of particular importance for women's health are:

The optimal combination of vitamins and minerals allows to achieve excellent success in the treatment of manifestations of menopause. Thus, calcium preparations with menopause strengthen bone tissue, reducing the risk of osteoporosis (Calcium gluconate, Calcium D3 Nycomed). Among the vitamin complexes recommended during the menopause: