Functional ovarian cyst

Every woman of childbearing age has the normal development of small cysts in the same menstrual period. This phenomenon is considered safe and natural. Let's look at it in more detail.

What is the functional ovarian cyst and the reasons for its appearance?

In order to understand the nature of the cyst, we will dig a little into the anatomy.

All healthy women have two ovaries, in which their female sex cells live - their eggs. If there are no failures in the body, then one egg is formed in one menstrual cycle. Until the ovum ripens and is released, it lives in its follicle house. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs. At this point, the follicle bursts, and the egg goes out (as you can guess, this period is the most favorable for conception). A woman can feel this or see through the vaginal discharge. These follicles are called cysts.

Sometimes in ripening follicles an excessive liquid is formed, due to which it increases in size. This increase is called the follicular or functional cyst. In 90% of cases it is safe and passes through several menstrual cycles.

Symptoms of functional ovarian cyst

Very often a woman does not even suspect that she has a functional cyst, and only learns about this from a gynecologist. In rare cases, which are accompanied by a strong increase in the cyst, there may be:

Although, if you carefully read this list, you realize that these same symptoms are inherent in many other female ailments. Therefore, do not make a diagnosis yourself and even more so, do not self-medicate.

Treatment of functional ovarian cyst

As it was already said, most often, the cyst passes by itself. But, if the dimensions of the functional ovarian cyst reach from 5 cm or more, the doctor can prescribe a treatment that will depend on the age of the woman, and on the nature of the development of the cyst.

The most optimal treatment for functional ovarian cysts is taking hormonal contraceptives for several months. With their help, the work of the ovaries is blocked and the formation of new cysts stops. Well, they also decrease and disappear, because of whom this treatment is prescribed.

Of course, in our life, things do not always go smoothly. Sometimes it happens that the follicular cyst approximates to a size of about 10 cm or does not go through 3 menstrual cycles. In such cases, necessarily surgical intervention (operation). Of course, you should not be afraid of it, modern medicine allows you to do everything quickly and painlessly. After such an operation, there is not even a scar left, just a few quickly healing wounds.

Functional cyst failure

Sometimes an undetected enlarged cyst may explode. Most often this happens during the ovulation period when

At the moment of rupture, a strong sharp pain in the abdomen, perineum and anus will be felt. After a while, unpleasant sensations can pass, but will soon appear again, in the form of pain, which is commonly called "acute abdominal syndrome". It is not necessary to hope that this will pass by itself, or after taking an anesthetic. Also it is not necessary, and independently go to the hospital. If you have acute pain, call an ambulance immediately and get ready for hospitalization.