Discharge from the vagina

As you know, almost always women notice the appearance of ungual discharge from the vagina. However, not all the fair sex knows what their character should be in the norm. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and try to figure out which vaginal discharge is considered the norm, and in what cases it is worthwhile to see a doctor.

What discharge is not a sign of a violation?

As you know, discharges from the organs of the reproductive system can be noted even in those women who do not have health problems. In such cases, the allocations should be characterized as follows:

Also it is necessary to say that normal vaginal discharge never entails a rise in body temperature, the appearance of discomfort, itching and reddening of the skin in the vulva. If a woman observes the appearance of such a symptomatology, it is necessary to seek medical advice from a doctor.

How does the nature of the discharge vary with the phase of the cycle?

Having dealt with what vaginal discharge is normal, it must be said that their nature can vary slightly and directly depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

So, for example, the increase in physiological excretions from the genital organs occurs at a time when the process of ovulation is observed in the body. At this time they are viscous and look like egg white.

Almost at the beginning of the cycle, once the menstrual period has passed, the vaginal discharge has a whitish hue and eventually becomes transparent.

In addition, the volume of vaginal discharge can also increase due to excessive excitation of the female body, or against the background of a stressful state.

It should be noted that the amount of secretions is also directly affected by various kinds of hormonal drugs that can be prescribed to a woman due to various disorders.

The increase in volume is often noted among women who are preparing to become a mother. This is due to increased secretion in the body of sex hormones. In this case, mucous discharge from the vagina can also be noted. The mucus itself is produced by the cervix. Over time, it becomes denser and forms a stopper, which prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the internal organs, thereby protecting the future baby.

What else there are allocation from a vagina?

However, it is far from always the allocation from the reproductive organs is the norm. In most cases, they indicate the development of the disease.

In gynecology, it is common to distinguish between the following types and types of vaginal discharge:

All these characteristics must be taken into account by the doctor at the diagnostic stage. After all, for The majority of gynecological diseases are characterized by their specific symptoms, which sometimes makes it possible to establish a disease with a high probability. However, this does not mean that only a symptomatic diagnosis is made. Research is mandatory.

Thus, it must be said that every woman should clearly imagine what vaginal discharge is normal. Only in this case she will be able, after noticing something wrong, to turn to the gynecologist. Early treatment, in turn, promotes a better course of the therapeutic process and the prevention of the transition of various inflammatory processes to the chronic form of the disease.