Mint for weight loss

Mint is an incredibly fragrant herb that is associated with freshness and unusual taste. Use it can be in the preparation of different dishes and drinks, in addition, it is good mint and for losing weight. The fact is that it has an overwhelming effect on appetite, due to which a person regularly eats less and, accordingly, loses weight.

Caloric content of mint

If you add mint to food, it will add a small amount of calories. On 100 grams of the product there are only 49 calories, but the sprigs of the fragrant plant are very light, and therefore the total calorie content of the dish is practically not affected by the addition of mint.

As for drinks with mint for weight loss, it all depends on the caloric content of other components. Pure mint tea does not have any calories at all, just like a mixture of mint tea with green tea and many others.

Tea with mint for weight loss

There are many different options for mint tea, which can help in the difficult matter of weight loss. It is worth it to drink half a glass 20 minutes before each meal. Let's consider some popular recipes:

  1. Mix on a tablespoon of mint and chamomile (or take a bag of both) and pour two cups of boiling water. Insist the mixture under the lid for 20-30 minutes. Strain the drink - and it's ready! It can be drunk both warm and chilled.
  2. Brewing green tea, add a teaspoon of mint to a glass of water. This drink is insisted only 10 minutes, and it will be ready.
  3. Brew 1 teaspoon of mint with a glass of water and add to it a little cinnamon and / or ginger to taste. The drink will be ready, being only 10-15 minutes.

Refuse to eat food in favor of mint tea is not worth it. You will get much more vivid results if you just take it in combination with a light, balanced diet . For breakfast - porridge or cottage cheese, for dinner - soup, for dinner - vegetables and meat, poultry or fish. With such a diet, weight loss will be easy, and the results - resistant.