Rite for weight loss

Those who are already quite desperate to lose weight in the usual way, tend to turn to the forces of magic that help to get what they want. It is fair to say that interference in subtle structures is not always safe, and if you have never done magic and do not have a predisposition and heredity, it is possible that there will not be an effect, or worse, it may be the opposite. It is best to contact a professional who will hold the rite for weight loss for you.

How do conspiracies and rituals work for losing weight?

It is believed that powerful rituals and rituals for weight loss can cause the body to lose weight, not demanding either a diet or sports from the person himself. However, this means that the energy that you will receive from food will be rapidly consumed without your desire and for unclear purposes - because only because energy is less than what is spent, you can start the process of fat splitting. And if you eat the same things as usual, then your energy will flow away somewhere, and no one promises that it will be safe.

Think three times if it's worth going on about your laziness and using the ritual when you can just limit your food.

Strong Rite for Weight Loss

This rite can only be held baptized. But remember, in carrying out such an action, you use the divine energy mercenary, and therefore sinful.

Every night, beginning with the day of the birth of the new moon, read "Our Father". Finish this only before the day when the full moon will be born. Prayer is supposed to stroke problem areas. Between the prayers, looking at the moon, repeat: "What I look at, it will be added. What I am ironing, it will be relaxing . "

The main thing is not to get confused with the lunar cycles, otherwise the effect can be unpredictable.