Recipe monastery tea for weight loss

Tea "Monastic Gathering for Weight Loss" continues to collect positive feedback from people who have led or are struggling with excess body fat. Phytotherapy is considered effective, and at the same time, a gentle means of eliminating unnecessary weight.

The recipe for monastic tea for weight loss includes herbs, which together give a tremendous fat burning effect. The first results can be noticed in a week.

Preparation of monastic tea

We offer you the way of using monastic tea . The instructions for making tea from herbs are very simple: for two tablespoons of the mixture, take half a liter of boiled hot water. Infuse tea for 10-15 minutes in a water bath. After it is necessary to give tea to brew for half an hour. The duration of the course of application of this drink is at least one month for two to three cups a day.

If you are interested in knowing if monastic tea is useful, we recommend that you familiarize yourself thoroughly with its composition.

What ingredients are included in the monastery tea?

It is the constituent components that are responsible for the action of this product. The recipe for monogamous tea for weight loss includes seven ingredients that not only complement, but also enhance each other's action.

  1. Chamomile cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, as well as helps the good digestion of food.
  2. Fennel improves metabolism, prevents the accumulation of unnecessary fats in tissues, and also helps get rid of cravings for harmful foods - for flour, for sweets.
  3. Dandelion has a diuretic effect, improves digestive processes and is a source of potassium, which when losing weight is washed away from the body.
  4. Peppermint reduces the feeling of hunger and reduces appetite , favorably affects the absorption of food and positively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Senna interferes with the absorption of fats, and also eliminates the problem of constipation and has a laxative effect.
  6. Inflorescences of black elderberry improve the work of the stomach, and also enhance the effect of all the other components of this drink.
  7. Lime flowers activate the work of the urinary system, and also stabilize the hormonal balance, are a fairly powerful diuretic.

The value of this herbal tea is the perfect combination of components.