Cure for dizziness

Of course, it is necessary to approach the treatment of dizziness in a complex way, after the establishment of diseases provoking this symptom. But sometimes you need to urgently relieve the attack and restore coordination. Choose a cure for dizziness is easy, if you know its exact cause and mechanisms for the development of pathology.

What cure for dizziness helps at the beginning of an attack?

At the very first sensation of dizziness, it is recommended to take a horizontal or sitting position, slow breathing and take up to 10 drops of atropine sulfate. This drug produces the following effects:

In addition, atropine has a mild sedative effect.

The main list of drugs for dizziness and nausea

Medications that help to stop the phenomenon under consideration are divided into several pharmacological groups:

1. Antihistamines:

They allow a little suppression of the activity of the labyrinth and facilitate an attack.

2. Neuroleptics:

These drugs improve the nutrition of brain tissue and metabolic processes in them.

3. Cholinolytics:

Medications relax smooth muscles, relieve spasms.

4. Vasodilators:

Expand the blood vessels, slightly lower the pressure. Not suitable if dizziness is caused by hypertension.

5. Benzodiazepines:

These psychoactive compounds that have a complex effect. It consists in a sedative, muscle relaxant, sleeping, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant effect.

Also antiemetic drugs against dizziness - Cerucalum, Metoclopramide are required. Medications eliminate even severe nausea.

If a person is suffering from seasickness , there are special drugs to combat motion sickness:

In the benign nature of the clinical phenomenon, drugs from positional dizziness are assisted by changing the position of the body:

But, in addition to pharmacological therapy, it is necessary to monitor diet, day regimen, pay attention to physical stress, get rid of negative habits.

What new drugs can I take with dizziness?

The described problem often arises due to the progression of Meniere's disease, middle ear pathologies, the autonomic system and disorders of the vestibular apparatus. With these diagnoses, long-term therapy with special preparations of a new generation is necessary.

Such medications include drugs based on betahistine dihydrochloride:

The most recommended are tablets Vestiibo and Betaserk. They produce a powerful effect for several weeks after the beginning of the course of treatment, normalize the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, help cope with the pathologies of the middle ear.

Inexpensive, similar in the manner of action and pharmacological properties, synonyms and generics of the proposed drugs for dizziness: