Photodynamic therapy

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a method of treatment, used mainly to treat malignant tumors, as well as some dermatological and infectious diseases. Currently, he is still at the stage of clinical study, development and improvement, but actively and effectively used, both abroad and with us.

Method of photodynamic therapy in oncology

PDT in the treatment of cancer is relatively inexpensive, gentle and effective method, which allows you to get rid of various types of malignant tumors - primary, recurrent, metastatic. Namely, photodynamic therapy is indicated for:

The method is based on the destruction of tumor cells due to the influence of active forms of oxygen, which are formed during the photochemical reaction. The necessary components of this reaction are light of certain wavelengths (red), oxygen, which is always present in the tissues of the body, as well as special substances - photosensitizers.

Photosensitizers are photosensitive substances capable of perceiving and transmitting light energy. Special photosensitizers are injected into the patient's body (intravenously, applicationally, orally), and they selectively accumulate in cancer cells, while practically not lingering in healthy cells.

Then, under the influence of light, oxygen in cancerous tissues passes into a special active state, in which it starts destructively affecting the internal structures of tumor cells. As a source of light, as a rule, laser installations are used. Thus, the tumor is killed. This process takes about 2 - 3 weeks. Photodynamic therapy can be combined with radiotherapy or chemotherapy, as well as with surgical methods, which allows to achieve significant results in the treatment of cancer.

There are photodynamic therapy in oncology and some contraindications:

Photodynamic therapy in stomatology

Recently, PDT is becoming more common in the treatment of diseases of teeth and gums, namely:

With the help of a photosensitizer and activation by a laser beam, thorough disinfection is carried out, which is a worthy alternative to antibiotics in the treatment of localized infections.

Photodynamic therapy in cosmetology

The method of photodynamic therapy is widely used in the treatment of acne, as well as in other areas of cosmetology and dermatology - to get rid of the symptoms of couperose, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, photoaging, keratoma, psoriasis, vitiligo, mycoses.

Paints-photosensitizers applied to the skin in problem areas accumulate in defective and old cells (as in the most energy-deficient zones). As a result of photochemical reactions under the action of the laser, the death of damaged cells occurs. Together with this, the procedure leads to stimulation of the division of the stem cells of the basal layer of the skin to replace the destroyed cells, and stimulation of the production of collagen occurs.

Photodynamic therapy in ophthalmology

Photodynamic therapy is a kind of alternative to laser surgery in the treatment of certain eye diseases. In particular, by limiting the growth of pathological blood vessels, this method is able to prevent the progression of a moist form of retinal degeneration.

Photodynamic therapy - side effects

The only side effect of the method is temporary excessive sensitivity to light. In this regard, patients after the procedure of PDT should some time to avoid sunlight.