What causes hives?

Many people are familiar with such a disease as hives, but not everyone knows what it is from. The ailment is itching all over the body, and then there are blisters. First they appear as separate inflammations, and then combine to form large damaged areas. After this, the body temperature rises, chills and frustration may occur in the digestive tract.

What causes allergic urticaria - the causes

One of the most common is allergic urticaria. In most cases, it makes itself felt after no more than 15 minutes after direct contact with the allergen. This kind of ailment usually manifests itself on citrus fruits, nuts, berries and some other products. Also frequent causes of the appearance of spots on the body are insect bites and the intake of certain medicines.

With other types of disease is more difficult. In medicine, precise methods for determining the causes of pathology have not yet been developed. Often the disease appears together with problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Experts consider some diseases that contribute to the development of urticaria:

Does hives occur in healthy people and why?

It is believed that the disease is directly related to the functioning of the immune system. Usually completely healthy people who do not have any reactions to different stimuli do not consult specialists with the corresponding symptoms. In the realities of today's life, such individuals can not be found often, since the majority of the population does not lead the healthiest way of life, which directly affects the state of the organism.