How to lose weight with food film?

As you know, to get rid of extra pounds you need to make adjustments to your diet and increase motor activity, but to enhance the effect, experts advise to resort to additional procedures - massage , salt baths and, in particular, wraps. In themselves, they can not cope with excess kilograms, but in the composition of so-called complex therapy is very even. How to lose weight with food film will be told in this article.

How can I lose weight with a film for food?

Very simple. It is enough to wrap her body in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs in several layers and begin to perform household duties or easy gymnastics. It is not necessary to turn around too tightly, because blood needs to circulate normally, and it's easy to breathe. It is not recommended and too active in sports, because it can cause weakness, nausea, fever and overheating of the body. In addition, there are requirements for the duration of the procedure: it should not exceed 40-50 minutes, and in general it can be performed 2 times a week. Otherwise, the consequences described above can occur, to which irritation on the skin may also attach due to prolonged exposure to sweat.

Those who are interested, whether it is possible to lose weight by means of food film and only it, it is necessary to answer that the result will be insignificant and short-term, because under its influence only moisture is lost and when it is filled, the weight will return to the previous indices. But this is a great way for those who want to know how to quickly lose weight with the help of food film to some event - engagement, birthday, etc. It is often resorted to by girls who bought a beautiful dress , and the day before the celebration found that it became a little small. For a long-term result, you will have to combine this procedure with diet and exercise.