Galactosemia in newborns

Unfortunately, often galactosemia in newborn children is simply not noticed. However, the condition of patients with this genetically determined disease is rapidly deteriorating in the first days of their life. On the fourth day of the uncontrolled course of the disease, such babies can not drink. Their apathetic behavior, noticeable from afar, is due to a serious internal condition - they have a liver increase, jaundice appears, fluid accumulates in the tissues.

Galactosemia is a serious disease, it can not be cured in the way that viral diseases are treated, but it is possible to create a child with a named diagnosis with the same living conditions as that of his and healthy peers. In this case, the only help that can be provided to a child is to learn how to follow a special diet that is necessary for the baby.

Causes and Symptoms of Galactosemia

Galactosemia is a hereditary (congenital) disease caused by an anomaly of metabolism and leading to the accumulation of galactose in the body. As a result of a genetic disorder in galactosemia, the transition of galactose to glucose is impaired.

Most often newborn babies with galactosemia have a considerable body weight - more than 5 kilograms. After feeding, they suffer severe vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea. The state of patients deteriorates rapidly due to the increase in the liver, spleen, ascites (a condition in which the fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity). Later, the symptoms may be accompanied by a clouding of the lens (or cataract). Without treatment, newborns with galactosemia may die from bacterial sepsis, which often develops with this disease. However, in modern conditions, patients with the first signs of galacosemia are immediately helped by medical personnel.

Treatment for galactosemia - a strict diet

The basis of treatment of sick children is a dairy-free diet. Keep in mind that while lactose intolerant children are allowed to use lactose-free milk, new lactose-free dairy products are not allowed for newborns with galactosemia. In the child's diet, it is necessary to avoid the minimum presence of milk and its derivatives, including milk mixtures - they can not internalize their baby's body. Mixtures that can be used for galactosemia are soy mixtures and almond milk.

However, keep in mind that the rejection of such dairy products as cheese, yogurt, cream, butter, as well as from products containing even traces of milk - this is not a temporary measure. From these products, the patient with galactosemia will have to abstain all his life, avoiding including products such as margarine, bread, sausages and semi-finished products, in which the presence of milk can be detected. Do not be discouraged, you can use the widest range of other products: meat, fish, vegetable, fruit, vegetable oil, eggs, a variety of cereals.