Slimming on herbs - 25 kg per month

Strange as it may seem, people began to struggle with excess weight for a long time. And now most women want to do their best to cope with obesity . At that time, many girls knew which herbs reduce appetite and promote weight loss. This, respectively, they used. Some of these tools are popular in our time.

Folk remedies for weight loss

There are certain collections of herbs on the basis of which various tinctures and decoctions are made, by which the wounds were washed and treated for certain diseases. From generation to generation, recipes were given recipes that contained certain secrets.

Now it's no secret that even the most modern medicine recognizes treatment with folk methods. Herbal preparations have a milder effect on the body, accelerate the metabolism and even heal the body as a whole.

What herbs help to lose weight?

If you pay attention, you can see that modern means for weight loss have in its composition a variety of herbal preparations that favorably affect the human body. Proceeding from this, it is not difficult for anyone to collect fat-burning herbs for weight loss on their own.

So, in the composition of such a collection of herbs must necessarily include herbs, which reduce appetite. They act in two ways: the first act on the walls of the stomach, as an enveloping agent, so it seems to the person that he has already fully satiated. The second herbs can simply swell, thereby filling the stomach. The composition of this herbal collection includes:

About what kind of grass you need to drink for weight loss, can tell every doctor. Usually, such herbs have a diuretic effect and remove from the body excess fluid that is in fatty tissues. To such grasses it is possible to carry a bird mountaineer, a burdock, a field horsetail, a goose petal, bear ears and leaves of cowberry. But, there is one "but" »These herbs are contraindicated for those who suffer from kidney failure or have any kidney disease.

Slimming on herbs 25 kg per month

Not so long ago it became known about a diet on herbs, with which you can get rid of just 25 months from 25 extra pounds. This diet is suitable for people who are too overweight. In the event that the weight is really very large, then you can sit on such a diet for two months.

This type of weight loss includes the principle of separate nutrition, protein diet and mono-diet. Every morning, you need to eat half a grapefruit or half an orange, as well as one or two eggs.

But here you need to take into account that accumulated slag and excess fluid in the body are supporters of the presence of excess weight. In this case, effective grass for weight loss will be such as: burdock, field horsetail, bear ears and cranberry leaf. Such herbs help to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. If a person decides to sit on such a diet, then a doctor's consultation is mandatory. Uncontrolled use of certain herbs can adversely affect health.

For weight loss, this recipe will be effective: it is necessary to mix dandelion and chicory (roots) in one piece, and add three parts of burdock. The whole mixture (1 tablespoon) is poured into a glass of boiling water and sent for 1 hour to insist. After this time, it must be filtered and take this tincture half an hour before meals for 0.5 glasses a month.