17 lifjhaks of unusual use of simple elastic for money

It would seem that such a primitive object is a stationery gum, and it can be used to solve various problems.

You knew that originally a paper band was invented in order to consolidate securities and attach recipes to bottles of medicines. Now it is more often used to combine money in a pack, but in fact, the sphere of its application does not end there, as evidenced by the following lifhaki.

1. Whole glasses after the dishwasher.

By loading the dishwasher, especially for the first time, many housewives worry about the integrity of fragile glasses. There is a simple secret, how to protect them from whipping: with the help of clerical rubber bands, fix the legs to the grate. This method can also be used during drying, attaching glasses at the bottom of the grate.

2. Open the lid for one, two.

Love jam, pickles and other billets that roll into cans, but often, to get a treat you have to suffer a long time with the lid? The output is found and, oddly enough, in this case will help the usual clerical rubber band. It's very simple - you need to wrap the edges of the cover with a rubber band and turn it.

3. Now the spoon will not sink.

Usually at the most inopportune moment, the spoon left in the bowl while cooking, slides and falls right into the contents. A-ah-ah! Eliminates the need to dirty your hands or rework the dish the usual paper band that you need to tie on the edge of the spoon.

4. That the hangers do not slip.

A familiar situation - hung the dress on the hanger, and it falls treacherously down. It does not matter, there is a lifhak for this situation. It is necessary to attach the elastic band on each side of the hanger on each side, wrapping it in several layers.

5. Draw ideal parallel lines.

If you want to draw two lines close to each other (a distance of about 1 cm), for example, making a pattern for a new dress. Do not have to suffer with the ruler, measuring the right size, but simply fasten two pencils with a rubber band and draw lines at the same time.

6. Useful trick during the repair.

A common situation is when it is necessary to unscrew the screw on which the splines are torn off, and there is nothing to grip on the screwdriver. The crooks found a way out - put a stationery between the screw and the base of the screwdriver and the task will be performed in a matter of seconds.

7. Save the paint and leave the hands clean.

Another tip for people who are doing repairs and they need something to paint. To paint typed on the brush does not flow down the handle, you need to wrap it near the beginning of the nap paper stationery. Another secret - in order not to gain a lot of paint on the brush, make a simple limiter, for this purpose, pull an elastic band across the open can. It will be very convenient to remove excess paint, which will fall directly into the jar.

8. Pack the baggage to the maximum.

Are you going on the road, but the suitcase is already full and you need to put many more things into it? Do not panic, now you will learn a simple method how to pack clothes properly, so that it takes up as little space as possible. Fold each thing into tight rollers and fasten them using a paper band. Thanks to this secret, you will not only save your seat in a suitcase, but also get not too crumpled things.

9. Door lock from improvised materials.

If there was a situation when it is necessary to fix the tongue of the lock on the door so that it does not accidentally close, then simply pull the rubber band between the handles, twisting it in a crosswise direction. Such a simple action will help to fix the tongue in one position.

10. Simple attachment for the cutting board.

A common situation - during the cutting of products the board tries to "run away" somewhere, which complicates the process and can lead to its fall. In order that this does not happen, you need to pull around the edges of the board on one rubber band, which will work as a brake.

11. No more confusion.

Given the large amount of equipment that is used today in the house, it is not at all surprising that one often has to get confused about which wire and which side to insert into the connector. To solve this problem was invented a simple method - marking with the help of multi-colored elastics, which are tied on the right side.

12. Penny jewelry.

Recently, rubber bracelets are very popular, which you can weave with your own hands, using several different colored rubber bands. There are many interesting variations of weaving.

13. The tea bag is always in place.

Wanting to enjoy a delicious aromatic tea, you put the sachet in a glass, pour boiling water, and ... the string together with the holder for extracting the tea leaves is on the bottom, that's how not to get angry here? To protect your nerves and fingers from boiling water, you just need to fix the thread of a tea bag on a mug with a clerical rubber band.

14. Economical French manicure.

Next liifkhak specifically for the fair sex, who prefer to do a manicure yourself. To constantly not be wasted on special strips for the French manicure, use as a limiter a stationery gum.

15. Gained extra pounds - not a problem.

We feasted on cakes, loafed bread, and now - your favorite jeans can not be buttoned. There is a way out of this situation, use a paper band that you need to skip and fasten into the loop, and then attach it to the button.

16. We improve the varnish.

Another secret for women who have repeatedly faced such a problem as slipping the cap from the varnish from the hands. This usually leads not only to the damage of manicure, but also to the contamination of clothing and other things. To correct this slip of the developers of the lacquer jars, wrap the paper band on the cap.

17. Safe transportation of food.

Are you planning a trip to the countryside or a trip to the country and cooked a lot of food? Then the next tip for you is to make sure that the lid on the crocket does not go off, fix it using a few clerical rubber bands. Believe me, you will carry a valuable cargo in integrity and safety.