Zoo museum

Probably, no one capital in the world can accommodate as many diverse attractions and attractions as Copenhagen . There is a hobby for every taste - ancient castles and majestic monuments adjoin modern museums and planetariums. One of the places where you can join the history and the surrounding world is the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen. More often than not, it is of great interest to children, but for an adult this walk will bring a lot of positive emotions.

The Zoological Museum of Copenhagen is part of the Museum of Natural History of Denmark. It includes several permanent expositions: "Det dyrebare", "From pole to pole", "Evolution", "Animal World of Denmark" (including Greenland).

Exhibition of rare finds

Most museums have exhibits that never show visitors - they are "hidden" for scientific research or they repeat more interesting artifacts. The Zoological Museum of Copenhagen has opened the maximum access to unique objects of the animal world with its history, which only awaits the curious listener. It:

  1. The giant dinosaur "Misty", which is the main hero of this exhibition - the children will not pass by.
  2. Stuffed bird Dodo - this is one of the first species of birds, which completely died out of human activities in the XVII century.
  3. The skeleton of the sperm whale, which threw ashore near the village of Henne Strand.
  4. Four-legged fish Ichthyostega - perhaps one of the first sea creatures, who decided to live on land.
  5. The heart of the bowhead whale in alcohol and many other exciting items.

The exhibition "Det dyrebare" presents many different exhibits that have been collected by scientists around the world for more than 400 years. There is no specific theme here - the exhibition is based on individual subjects, the main task of which is to surprise. Many of them are unique, existing in the world in a single copy.

From pole to pole

Start your journey through the climatic zones of the Earth in the Arctic. See how animals on land and in icy water cope with extreme climates. Striking examples are musk ox, seals and colossal walrus from Greenland. As you move to the south, the temperature rises. See how animals adapt to different climatic conditions, and then move on to the rest of the Earth's climatic zones until you are back in the icy conditions in the Antarctic region. It is such an exciting journey that invites you to make an exhibition "from pole to pole" at the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen.

Animal Kingdom of Denmark

The exhibition is a journey through time in 20 thousand years from the ancient mammoths, to the modern cultural landscape. The giant mammoth is just one of the most interesting animals you will encounter on the way through the prehistoric fauna of Denmark. Other unique findings at the exhibition include representatives of prehistoric fauna, such as giant moose and bison. Also shown are bones, skulls and horns of roe deer, wild boar and red deer - they were found in the Danish marshes and date back to the 7th - 4th millennium BC. Some stuffed animals can be petted.

A truly unique exhibition is Darwin at the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. The representation of the evolution of the great scientist is shown here as clearly as possible for a common man in the street.

In addition to the exhibited, temporary exhibitions are regularly held at the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. The museum has a cafe and a souvenir shop.

How to visit?

You can get there by car or by public transport with the help of a bus to the Universitetsparken (København) stop, route No. 8A.