Indoor trees

In the conditions of the "urban jungle" many experience a sharp yearning for nature. Partly, that is why the indoor floriculture acquired special popularity, which allows in a short time to turn any dwelling into a blooming garden. And if flowers on the windowsill have long been surprising, then room trees can be a legitimate reason for pride. About what kind of house plants in the form of a tree can be grown without difficulty in the home, we'll talk today.

The best indoor trees

So, we offer you a mini rating of the best house trees:

  1. The first line of our rating is occupied by a full house bottle house tree , it is also a nolin or a bokarneya . This plant comes from North America, where in natural conditions it can reach a truly gigantic size. Its name was given to the bottle tree because of the trunk, which has a specific thickening in the lower part. This form of the trunk is not at all a whim of nature, but only a way to survive a prolonged drought, because in the thickening the plant stores reserve water reserves.
  2. The second place in our rating is taken by the evergreen palm tree . Which palm tree would not be chosen for domestic cultivation - pinnate or hieroglyphic, one must be prepared for the fact that this proud beauty will very soon need a separate room. The reasons for this are two: firstly, palm trees have the property of growing very intensively and reaching considerable sizes, and secondly, they are essentially single plants and do not tolerate neighbors.
  3. In the third place is an indoor banana tree , which, depending on the variety, can be either a simple element of the interior or a source of delicious aromatic fruits. Strictly speaking, calling a banana a tree is not entirely true, because this plant belongs to the herbaceous class. It is quite easy to take care of a homemade banana, but you should be prepared for regular top dressing, because of superfast growth this plant needs a huge amount of nutrients.
  4. The fourth line of our rating is occupied by once exotic, and now practically native indoor citrus trees . Lemons , limes, oranges and tangerines have the ability to perfectly adapt to domestic conditions in different corners of the globe, due to which and have become so widespread. Begin the acquaintance with the world of indoor citrus trees for beginners, standing with a lemon or lime, as these two species have the most complaisant temper and easily forgive some errors in care.
  5. The fifth honorable place is given to the beautiful Chinese rose or hibiscus . Even from a small sprout with proper care in a short time can grow a huge house tree, strewn with luxurious flowers. Along with the regal appearance, hibiscus has excellent adaptability to different conditions, due to which it becomes an inhabitant of various institutions.
  6. On the sixth line we place, although not very capricious, but possessing a rather bad character coffee house tree . Those who decide to start it, you need to be prepared in advance for what other plants will have to give up - the coffee tree does not tolerate competitors. And with dreams of a constant replenishment of coffee reserves, too, will have to say goodbye - to achieve from the coffee tree of fruits at home is not possible to all.
  7. Closing our rating is an indoor tea tree , which is also quite easy to grow at home. The only thing that the tea tree will not forgive its owners is a negligent attitude to watering. Pour this plant should be regularly and abundantly, while avoiding overflows. And if the tea tree will all like, then in a few years you can treat your friends with tea, collected on your own tea plantation.