Metal Soap

As you know, everything new is a well-forgotten old. Do you know that stainless steel helps to get rid of persistent smells of products? And to wash away the smell of garlic or fish from the hands, it is enough to rub a steel spoon, a pipe or any other piece of the corresponding metal under the stream of water. And to make the application of this method more convenient, a so-called metal soap was developed - a liquidator of odors. Let's find out more about its properties and usage features.

Principle of action of metal soap

So, the stainless metal soap looks like ordinary soap, which has a characteristic metallic luster. Interestingly, such a product has no seams, and at the same time it is produced not by casting, as one might think, but by stamping. Two parts of such a piece are tightly joined together, and the junction site is thoroughly ground and polished. As a result, in front of you - a bar of perfectly smooth soap. It is quite light (about 50-70 g) due to the emptiness inside.

The composition of the metal soap includes an alloy, which is familiar to everyone as food stainless steel. The metals entering into this alloy, upon contact with molecules of unpleasant odor, which has become entangled in the hands, destroy these aromatic substances. Thus, you can fight the smells of meat, onions, garlic, fish and any other strong fragrances.

By the way, some models have a special protrusion for cleaning dirt from under the nails. The great advantage of a metal soap is that it is almost forever and never washed off like a normal soap bar, will not dehydrate or rust. Also very convenient is the presence of a set of soap dishes. And now let's talk about how to use stainless metal soap.

The hands weakened during the cooking process must first be rinsed with water, if they are greasy with normal soap. And only then, when the dirt and grease are washed away, take on the removal of the smell. Take a metal soap, turn on running cold water and under its stream, rub your hands thoroughly with soap. It is necessary to perform the same movements as when washing hands with normal soap. In a word, there is nothing unusual or complicated in this process, and literally in one minute the smell will be eliminated.

Some buyers argue that the Chinese metal soap is unable to cope with unpleasant odors, while the products of manufacturers from Germany, the United States, Japan, Finland are doing much better. But, one way or another, you can check this only on personal experience. The main thing when buying - beware of obvious fakes and substandard goods.