Progesterone insufficiency - symptoms

Normally, the increase in the concentration of sex hormones in women occurs with the onset of pregnancy. But the opposite phenomenon, when there is a decrease in their level, estrogen-progesterone insufficiency, of which symptoms will be discussed below, often leads to the development of gynecological diseases. Let's take a closer look at this violation, highlighting its main features, the algorithm of treatment.

What are the signs of progesterone insufficiency in women?

It is worth noting that quite often for a long time a woman may not even suspect of a lack of her hormone progesterone. In most cases, the establishment of the disease occurs at the stage of pregnancy planning, when the child can not conceive for 1 year or more.

If we talk directly about the main signs of a decrease in the concentration in the blood of the hormone progesterone, it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Prolonged absence of pregnancy. As already mentioned above, it is this phenomenon that often allows us to establish a violation. In this case, a woman learns about it after giving blood tests for hormones, which is an integral part of the diagnosis of infertility.
  2. Spontaneous abortions on short terms, may also indicate a deficiency in the body of the hormone progesterone. As is known, he is responsible for the course of gestation, taking a direct part in stimulating the growth of endometrial cells. The thickness of the latter is important for the implantation process, without which pregnancy does not occur. Thus, with a thin endometrium, a fetal egg can not be implanted into it, as a result of which it dies and is released outward through the reproductive organs.
  3. Decrease in body temperature, can also be attributed to indirect signs of insufficiency in the body of the hormone progesterone.
  4. Diseases of the breasts primarily force doctors to check the level of hormones in the body.
  5. Disturbances in the digestive tract can also be regarded as indirect symptoms of the disorder.
  6. The appearance of spotting bloody discharge, just a few days before the menstrual period, or in the middle of the cycle, should alert the woman, tk. often this particular symptom indicates a lack of progesterone in the body. At the same time, there is a possibility of developing amenorrhea or oligomenorrhoea.

It is worth noting that the symptoms of progesterone deficiency in menopause, due to the absence of menstrual flow, are difficult to recognize.

How is this disease treated?

Calling the main symptoms of progesterone insufficiency, we will consider the basics of its treatment.

To begin with, it must be said that there is no universal algorithm for the therapeutic process with such a disease. That's why doctors almost always act on the situation, prescribing symptomatic treatment.

First of all, a woman is prescribed tests: blood for hormones, a swab of the vagina.

After this, when confirming the diagnosis, the appointment of hormonal medicines containing progesterone (Utrozhestan, Dyufaston, for example) should be used.

However, doctors recommend that women reconsider their daily routine and diet.

As a rule, correction of the hormonal background of the body is a rather long process, taking from 2-3 months to six months or more. During this time the girl needs to periodically visit a doctor for gynecological examination and taking tests that allow monitoring the concentration of progesterone in the blood in the dynamics.