Polyp on the cervix - reasons

Polyposis is a disease characterized by the proliferation of cervical epithelial tissue. Suffer them most often women who are prone to overload, nervous stress, work to wear. The main symptoms of cervical polyps:

Causes of the polyp on the cervix

The causes of the polyp on the cervix are hormonal or infectious. The state of a woman is affected by stress, general diseases, abrupt changes in life. It is possible to diagnose the disease reliably by means of ultrasound, hysteroscopy (a method in which an elastic hose with a video camera is inserted into the uterus at the end) or histological examination.

Polyp of the cervix is ​​especially dangerous in pregnancy. It can cause miscarriage or complications during childbirth. The polyp also can lead to the development of cancer, the degeneration of the genital organs and hinder the conception of the child.

The uterine cavity and the vagina connects the cervical canal. It is through him that spermatozoa get to the egg. Cases of the cervical uteri proliferation sprouts into the lumen of the cervical canal. The probability of becoming pregnant under such a situation is extremely small. This location of the polyp is random and does not have any obvious reasons.

Polyps formed in the submucosa of the cervix are called fibroids. Their development is accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen. This variety of polyp always develops against the background of infection, most often occurs in women in the post-menopausal period. Fibrous polyps are characterized by large sizes (they can be diagnosed with the usual gynecological examination) and are subject to mandatory removal by scraping or surgery.