Condylomata in women - treatment

When in the area of ​​the perineum or on the external genitalia, genital warts arise in women, their treatment depends largely on the virus-causative agent and the lesion site. There are two ways how one can get rid of genital warts: medication in a clinic or home treatment.

Treatment of genital warts at home

Just note that it is not recommended to treat condylomas with folk methods, since the effectiveness of such treatment is still in question, but the use of various infusions or compresses can aggravate the situation. Consider several popular recipes for the treatment of condylomatosis.

  1. Kalanchoe leaves for the removal of genital warts at home. For the recipe you need to get the flesh of the leaves of the pinnate calanchoe and stretch them to the consistency of gruel. Further, this mass is applied to the affected area and fixed with a patch. This compress is held for about 6 hours, and then remove the patch and apply a fresh remedy.
  2. Another method of treating condyloma in women involves the use of potato juice. It should be taken on a glass twice a day. 40 minutes before breakfast and dinner you need to drink juice. For a drink, it is best to use red potatoes. The course of treatment is two months.
  3. Treatment of genital warts at home is carried out using celandine. Apply the drug three times a day according to the following scheme: in several visits at intervals of three minutes, we apply a cleanliness to the affected area. During this time, the juice has time to soak into the skin.

Modern methods of treatment of genital warts

In the clinic you will be offered several ways how you can treat warts. First of all, the choice of the treatment option depends on the nature of the course of the illness, the doctor's qualification and the price range that the patient can afford.

Quite widely used method of cauterization of condylomas with liquid nitrogen. A small amount is applied pointwise to the site of the lesion and freezes it. As a result, the protein content of the formation is degraded. After some time, condyloma itself disappears and remains a small wound. Within a couple of weeks, it heals and there is hardly any trace. This method is quite inexpensive, but it should only be carried out by a specialist with experience.

Effective treatment of genital warts is carried out with the help of prescription drugs. They contain concentrated acids and, after the first application, a small scab remains on the site of the lesion. He will disappear on his own in a few days. This method is more expensive. But it is safe and convenient to use.

Wave radiowave removal is also widely used in modern medicine. Under the influence of high temperatures high-frequency radiation can effectively remove condylomas. Also an excellent electrified knife. This variant of treatment of condyloma in women should be conducted only under the local anesthesia. In most cases, after such a procedure, patients return to sexual life in a week.

You can be offered laser therapy. In this case, the lesion is affected by a beam of laser beams. The tissue of the condyloma simply evaporates and a dry crust remains in its place. As in the case of an elektronozh, after a week you can resume sexual activity.

To treat a home specialist can prescribe ointment from genital warts. It must be applied directly to the site of the lesion. In the complex, immunocorrective therapy is prescribed. Remove the external manifestations of the virus will not make up the ore, but to help the body cope with it and prevent relapse is much more difficult.