Rihanna's Hairstyles

Rihanna is a young girl from the island of Barbados, the star of R'n'B music and one of the best-selling singers of all time. But apart from that, she is also a very interesting, bright and unusual personality, always amazed by her constantly changing images.

Rihanna likes to experiment with her hair, and everyone has known for a long time that from such a fickle beauty one can expect, perhaps, anything. Today Rihanna with long well-groomed hair in the form of a pay-girl or a romantic lady, and tomorrow she surprises everyone with bright-red, short-cropped hair. Rihanna is a true icon of the fashion world, setting the tone not only for fashion in clothes, but also for hairstyles.

Romantic image of Rihanna

Early in her career, Rihanna was a romantic long-haired girl with chestnut curls, with which she could afford anything. Rihanna could be seen with a wide variety of hairstyles - from ringlets in the style of a romantic nymph to modern lacerations. Well-groomed shiny hair looked very natural and attractive, but many critics believed that this image of the singer is too boring and not interesting to the public.

Rihanna cut her hair, but the haircut was still ordinary and practical, although with her you could create everything you wanted on your head. This was done by the personal hairdresser Rihanna, to whom she paid fabulous money. And still the image of the star did not become particularly bright and noticeable against the background of other constantly changing stars.

Hairstyle in the style of a bean

2007 marked the cardinal change of the singer's style, which was unexpected for many, but very pleasant. The new haircut turned out to be short, but it opened a huge space for experiments. Rihanna also managed to turn into a burning brunette - black was clearly her face. This period of her career and became the most popular, because that's when she looked particularly attractive, at least, that's how her fans think.

But soon Rihanna cut her hair even shorter, shaving her whiskey and leaving an unmatched Iroquois. The image of Rihanna became much sharper and sexier, despite the fact that she was bald.

Experiments with color

But the experiments did not end there either. Rihanna changed the color of the Iroquois to a softer wheaten shade, remaining all the same short-cropped. And soon appeared in public with bright red hair, trying on a braid to the waist, which looked very natural for the exposed. Rihanna with red hair - this image became, perhaps, and became the brightest of all the hairstyles of the star.

Later, Rihanna for some time returned to her "shatenist" past, but only for filming in a video, where she appeared in a new gangster image for herself. All these handkerchiefs and curls were really very much to her face, but she was again painted and changed her haircut.

Rihanna still continues to change her hair color, becoming a blonde, then a redhead. Which hairstyle will be the new image of Rihanna? Perhaps it will be long black dreadlocks ... We'll see - we'll see.