Herpes in children - treatment

Diseases caused by the herpes virus are manifested in children even several times more often than in adults. After all, most adults, unlike toddlers, have often encountered an infection and have specific antibodies in their blood that protect them from relapses of the disease. However, no one, unfortunately, can safely say goodbye to herpes forever, as this virus has about 200 varieties, 6 of which are everywhere affected by human organisms.

Types of herpes that occur in humans, and the diseases caused by them

For children, the most frequently diagnosed are types 1, 2 and 3. Since almost all parents have experienced chickenpox with their child, we will consider what symptoms accompany the manifestation of the herpes virus type 1 and type 2 in children, and also what treatment is used in this or that case.

External signs of herpetic infection of type 1 and 2 are familiar to everyone - they are small bubbles filled with a turbid liquid, which after a short time are broken, and in their place ulcers are formed. Such rashes in children often appear on the tongue, lips, cheeks and on the skin, but they can be found absolutely on any part of the body. Other symptoms of the disease are identical to many infections - an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees, a slight swelling of the lymph nodes, a general malaise, weakness. The child does not sleep well, often cries, may refuse to eat.

Treatment of viral herpes in children

In the case of rashes in the mouth, a very effective method is rinsing the mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, St. John's wort, chamomile, sage and others, as well as solutions of medicines such as Rotokan or Furacilin. To reduce itching and other unpleasant sensations, you can take antihistamines - Fenistil, Zirtek, and so on.

For the treatment of herpes on the body of a child, the doctor will most likely prescribe ointment Zovirax or Acyclovir, which will have to be applied to the affected skin areas up to 4 times a day.

In addition, for any type of herpetic infection, it is necessary to take antiviral medications, for example, Viferon suppositories or Pentaglobin injections, as well as a course of multivitamins to restore and maintain immunity.