Chicken pox in children

Chickenpox, or chicken pox, is quite common among children of kindergarten and school age. However, getting infected with chickenpox in childhood is not the worst option, as the illness is much easier to tolerate by the kids, and the probability of complications development in this period is minimal.

Having had chickenpox once - the child receives a lifelong immunity against the herpes simplex virus type 3, which is the culprit of such an unpleasant disease.

This virus is very active and volatile, easily transported by the wind at a distance of up to 20 m, perhaps, hence the name of the same name. An experienced specialist knows exactly how to recognize chickenpox in a child, and those who do not have medical education may have difficulty with this issue.

What does chickenpox look like in children?

The first thing to suspect is that the child is sick with chickenpox, you can by the characteristic rash: first it is pink spots all over the body, then a speck of clear liquid forms in the speck, after the bubble is opened, a crust appears. Places of eruptions strongly itch. However, it is impossible to draw definitive conclusions, relying on how the rash appears in children with chicken pox.

Therefore, in order to determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms of chicken pox in children, which are noted 1-2 days before the appearance of the rash. So, rashes may be preceded by:

Any of the above signs is an excuse to show vigilance and show the child to the doctor.

Treatment of varicella in children

Recently, traditional ways of treating the disease have been criticized. That is completely justified, taking into account the nature and nature of the disease in children, and also to avoid complications after chickenpox.

First of all, it is necessary to abandon the "grandmother's method" as often as possible to treat the rashes with a solution of brilliant green. Not only that with a cotton swab the virus is even more spread all over the body, also it leads to excessive drying of the skin and further scarring.

To date, there are more gentle means that have drying and disinfecting properties. If the parents decided to trust the tested drug - zelenok, then it is enough to treat the pimples once, and then lubricate, only the combed places.

Another controversial issue, when you can bathe a child with chicken pox. Here the opinions of specialists diverge to this day. Some argue that you can take herbal baths to reduce discomfort, others - on the contrary, recommend using a quick shower so that the virus does not spread throughout the body. Obviously, only one thing: the necessary condition for a speedy recovery is compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Also, children are recommended bed rest, a light diet, plenty of drink, frequent changes in bed and underwear, if necessary, antipyretic and analgesic drugs, maintaining the immune system.

How much infectious is a child with chickenpox?

The baby becomes infectious a few days before the appearance of the first rashes and until all the pimples are covered with crusts, and the latter will not begin to fall off. Therefore, the infection can pass completely unnoticed. The only measure to prevent varicella zoster in children these days is vaccination. Vaccination from chickenpox is shown not only to children, but women planning pregnancy. Because if the future mother gets infected at the end of pregnancy , the baby will be born unequivocally sick. And, as is known, chickenpox in infants is very difficult.

Chickenpox in children - incubation period

From the moment of infection, it may take more than one week until the first signs of chickenpox are felt. The established incubation period of chickenpox in children 21 days, as a rule, the rash appears not earlier than on the 10th day after contact.