Changing baby teeth in children

In the first year of the baby's life, mom and dad are impatiently waiting for the first teeth to appear. But the children are growing up, and the time comes for the milk teeth to change constantly. This process often causes concern both for the child himself and his parents.

First of all, your duty is to explain to your baby how and why children have a change in their baby teeth. Tell him that tooth loss is not a disease, but a growing stage, and most often this process is painless. Instruct the child of a positive attitude toward a change of teeth. Let him rejoice at the loss of each tooth and is proud to become an adult.

Duration of baby teeth

Loss of milk teeth in children begins at the age of 5-6 years. It lasts until the baby has the last of twenty dairy teeth (about 12 years old). However, these terms are very arbitrary and can vary. The age at which a baby's teeth fall out depends on a number of factors:

So, there is nothing surprising in the early loss of milk teeth, if at one time they erupted before the deadlines or the same pattern was observed in one of the parents.

Thus, the period from 6 to 12 years is very abstract figures. If you are worried too early or, conversely, too late a change of baby teeth in a child, contact a pediatric dentist. If necessary, the baby will have an x-ray of the jaws, and the doctor will be able to assess whether the permanent teeth grow properly.

The order of loss of milk teeth and the appearance of permanent

The sequence of dentition usually coincides with the sequence of their appearance (although, again, this is not necessary).

The classical scheme of loss of milk teeth is the following. First, the central incisors (front teeth) begin to stagger and fall out. They are followed by the first molars and lateral incisors, later - fangs and premolars, and the latter - the second molars.

The sequence of the appearance of permanent teeth is slightly different. Initially, the first molars appear, and after them - incisors, canines, premolars and second molars. Third molars (wisdom teeth) erupt at the age of 16-25. However, this may not happen, because these teeth are not involved in the process of chewing food and are a relic of the past.

Possible problems associated with the change of infant teeth in children

If the milk teeth begin to deteriorate, they must be treated without waiting for the fallout. The rudiments of permanent teeth are already under the dairy, and any infection in the oral cavity threatens their health.

At some children at the age of 4-5 years, the spaces between the teeth become very large. It does not carry any danger in itself. The child grows, and the jaw also increases, and the milk teeth remain the same size. Soon they will fall out, and grow permanent teeth of normal size, and these gaps disappear.

It happens that the milk tooth has not yet fallen out, but the permanent tooth is already growing, and not at all, where necessary. The so-called second dentition is formed, i.e. teeth grow in two rows. This is also a variant of the norm. When the dairy will fall, already erupted constants will stand in their place. But still it is worth consulting with the dentist if the child's baby's teeth are not even staggering, and several permanent ones have already got out of the gum more than half. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe the removal of some milk teeth.

Features of oral hygiene during the change of teeth

  1. If the milk tooth begins to stagger, show the child how you can loosen it yourself. Do this only with clean hands and very carefully.
  2. The wound, formed on the place of the dropped out tooth, does not need to be touched either with hands or with tongue. To wash it, too, is not necessary. If the gum around inflamed, be sure to see a doctor, and he will prescribe a rinse.
  3. During the period of the change of milk teeth in children, it is necessary to conduct hygiene monitoring. Carry the child for preventive examinations to the dentist every three months. Also, be sure to make an appointment with a child's orthodontist: he will examine a small patient for an incorrect bite.
  4. To keep the teeth healthy and strong, give the child more stiff food. Regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables gives the necessary strain on the teeth and the entire maxillofacial apparatus necessary for active and timely growth of permanent teeth.