Enuresis in children - causes and treatment by modern and traditional methods

Accustoming a child to a pot or an independent visit to the toilet does not guarantee the absence of problems with urination. Control of this function of the body is established gradually, finally it can take shape only at 6 years old or even slightly later.

What is enuresis?

This term is defined as pathological incontinence in the age of 6-7 years. Enuresis in children is manifested mainly during night sleep, less often it occurs in the daytime. Many parents and pediatricians of the "old school" do not consider the described condition as a disease, preferring to wait for an independent disappearance of the problem or punishing the baby.

Modern specialists hold a different point of view and are considered as a disease of enuresis in children - the causes and treatment of this pathology are studied in detail by the progressive medical community. There is even a specialized organization dedicated to combating this phenomenon: the International Children's Continence Society.

Enuresis in children causes

Treatment of this pathology is developed in a complex, individually for each case. It is important to establish why children's enuresis has occurred - the causes of this phenomenon often represent a combination of several physical and psychological conditions. To find an effective treatment for a specific child, it is necessary to find out all the unfavorable factors.

Children's enuresis - psychosomatics

According to recent studies in pediatrics, the problem described is often combined with emotional disorders. In this regard, you will have to visit a psychologist when diagnosed with enuresis in children - the causes and treatment of the disease are in close dependence. Without stabilizing the emotional background and eliminating stressful situations, conservative therapy will be ineffective.

The psychosomatics of enuresis in children includes the following factors that cause urinary incontinence:

Causes of childhood nocturnal enuresis

Urinary incontinence during sleep is considered a variant of the norm up to 6 years of age. A single nocturnal enuresis in children may occur later, at 7 and 8 years, especially if the toddler recently went to school or was exposed to other stressful effects. Pathology is diagnosed only with permanent or daily symptoms of the disease. Possible causes of urinary incontinence in children:

Daytime enuresis in children

This variant of pathology is very rare, by the age of 4-5 the babies can already control the urge to urinate during the waking period. This form of the disease occurs in the same way as nocturnal enuresis in children - the causes and treatment of both types of disorders are identical. This type of disease sometimes occurs due to more serious disorders in the body. Urinary incontinence in children during the day can develop against the background of the following factors:

Enuresis in children - symptoms

To define described pathology easily, simply observing the child. Night incontinence of urine in children is manifested in the form of wet sheets, panties and pajamas after a morning awakening. The kid can be very embarrassed, try to hide the traces of "crime", quickly change clothes and get into the bathroom. Daytime infantile enuresis often occurs during a nap. Less often the child is unable to retain urine during the waking period.

Enuresis in children - treatment

Therapy of the considered disease is a complex of measures aimed at eliminating any causes that cause urinary incontinence. How to treat enuresis in children, should inform the specialist, based on the examination of the baby, anamnesis and the existing signs of pathology. Parents need to constantly support the child in the process of therapy, can not be punished for bouts of incontinence or laugh at the baby.

Which doctor treats children's enuresis?

A general practitioner or pediatrician is responsible for monitoring and direct therapy. To diagnose urinary incontinence in children it is necessary to visit other specialists:

Remedy for enuresis in children

Drug treatment is selected depending on the causes of incontinence. If the problem is an infectious lesion of the genitourinary system, you need uroseptic pills from enuresis in children and antibiotics. Their appointment is carried out only after the analysis of the composition of microflora in the urine and its sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs.

The most popular and effective method that allows to stop children's enuresis is treatment with an artificial analogue of the hormone vasopressin (desmopressin), which regulates the absorption and secretion of fluid in the body. Trade name of the medicament:

If the cause of urinary incontinence is mental disorders, the specialist selects tranquilizers and stimulants that stabilize the emotional background and normalize the depth of sleep for treatment:

With the identified immaturity of the central nervous system, nootropic drugs are recommended for treatment:

Biofeedback therapy for incontinence in children

One of the most progressive ways to cure enuresis in a child is the method of biofeedback. Therapy is the performance of exercises using a special apparatus. Sensitive sensors are connected to a small patient, a story arcade game is launched on a large monitor, for example, a spaceship shooting at aliens, or a monkey collecting bananas. The character is controlled by the control of the pelvic floor muscles (relaxation and tension), so they quickly train.

Reflexotherapy for enuresis in children

There are 2 variants of exposure to biologically active points in the body. The first way to treat incontinence in children is to visit a specialist in acupuncture. This technique is better for a child older than 9 years old, kids are too painful to respond to the use of acute equipment by the therapist, may get scared and get extra stress.

The second option, how to relieve enuresis in children - the establishment of the cause and treatment of manual effects. Procedures can be performed at home, daily, making the child massage feet. It is necessary to gently knead your legs in the areas shown in the figure below. To improve the slip of your fingers, it is recommended to apply any fat cream.

Enuresis in children - treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine suggests reducing the incontinence of urine with the help of natural herbal remedies. Such recipes should be considered as ancillary methods, how to treat children's enuresis. Without complex therapy, appointed by a specialist, and clarifying the exact causes of the disease, this approach will not produce the expected effect.

Herbal remedy for enuresis in children


Preparation, application

  1. Mix the herbs, grind them with a coffee grinder or food processor.
  2. Place 30 g of collection in a thermos, pour boiling water.
  3. Insist the medication for 8 hours.
  4. Strain agent.
  5. Half an hour before each meal, drink 100 ml of herbal tea with the selected sweetener.
  6. The course of treatment is 3 months. After a 10-14-day break, it can be repeated.