Arbidol for children

Each parent is concerned about the health of his child. We try to give our children all the best and protect them from disease. And if the child is still sick, we aspire to cure him as soon as possible. To help us in this promises, everywhere advertised drug - arbidol. Despite the fact that the name is at everyone's ears, not everyone knows the principle of the drug and its dosage. So let's fix this and finally figure out what it is and what it's eating.

Arbidol is a domestic antiviral drug designed to fight the pathogens of viral infections, including those with the influenza virus. It is produced both in the form of capsules for adults, and in tablets for children. A single dose and duration of application should be prescribed by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the body and the form of the disease.

Arbidol is used as a medicine for ARVI. The best results are noted at the beginning of the drug in the first days of the disease. This is due to the fact that the action of arbidol is aimed at protecting not yet damaged cells of the body. Let's take a closer look at the mechanism of action of the drug.

The active substance of the drug, like human interferon, prevents the penetration of the virus into the cell. At the initial stages of the disease the organism does not have time to activate its protective forces, and arbidol stimulates the production of interferon. Immunomodulatory action in parallel with the protection of cells from the deposition of viruses, makes arbidol a powerful opponent of the virus. The disease proceeds more easily and quickly.

Apply arbidol and for prophylaxis. It is recommended to drink to all family members, in whom someone has become ill with the flu. Many parents ask themselves: Can children be given arbidol? It is possible, but only after the baby is three years old.

How to take arbidol to children?

One tablet contains 50 mg of active substance. It is this dosage of arbidol that is optimal for children from 3 to 6 years of age. From 6 to 12 years, the dose is doubled. Children over 12 years of age and adults are prescribed at a dosage of 200 mg of active substance, which corresponds to 4 tablets or 2 capsules. Regardless of age, arbidol is taken with the first symptoms of the disease. In a day there should be four receptions at regular intervals (6 hours). Use the drug a few minutes before eating. In case of missed drug intake, never give children a double dose of arbidol. This can lead to unwanted effects from the heart, kidney, liver or CNS.

Contraindications for use

Like any, even the most harmless means, arbidol has a number of contraindications. The drug has a restriction on age, children under three years of taking the drug is prohibited and for therapeutic and preventive purposes. You can not use arbidol during pregnancy and lactation. Exclude the drug from its first aid kit will have people with severe diseases of blood vessels, heart, liver or kidney. Contraindicated drug people suffering from allergies to any component of the drug.

Side effects

Arbidol has practically no side effects. The only exception is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.


In modern Russian pharmaceuticals there are no analogues of this drug. Sometimes it is replaced with kagocel or anaferon, but they have only an immunomodulatory effect, unlike arbidol, interacting with the virus itself. Therefore, to compare their therapeutic effect among themselves is not correct. Choose the right drug for your child can only pediatrician.